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I call one of my dearest friends, Jeno. "Hello?" Jeno asks. "Hey, can you come get me?" I ask. "Yeah sure. Where are you?" he asks. "I'm at my brother's dorm/house thingy." I say. "Ok. Be there soon." Jeno says, and then hung up the phone. "Alright, I have 10 minutes to get ready." I say to myself, realizing I look like a naked mole rat. "Where are you going?" Chan asks. "Uhh, to a friends house." I say, trying to play it cool. "Is this friend a boy?" Chan asks. I nod. "Who is it? Is it Jaehyun?" he asks. I shake my head. "It's Jeno. You know, Baby Moonbin?" I ask. "Oh yeah. Why are you leaving? We were going to go watch a movie together. You always leave when we plan something fun." Chan says, sounding upset. "Chan, I kissed Felix this morning. And then accidentally bumped lips with Hyunjin. I just need time to think." I say. Chan gasps. "Well, why didn't you tell me? I would've been fine with it. You don't have to be scared of telling me things. I'm your brother, not your boyfriend." Chan says, smiling. "Stop being so cute. God, it kills me when you smile like that. I can't ever be mad at you." I say, getting frustrated. "Aww, is my wittle sister getting mad?" Chan asks, poking my shoulder. 

"Yes, I am getting very irritated. Can I just leave now?" I ask. "The whole point of you being here is to spend time with me before you have to go back to LA. I thought you wanted to see me." Chan says. "I do want to spend time with you. But, imagine being the only guy in a house with 9 females." I say, fighting back tears. "I didn't know it was that bad. Sorry Tae." Chan says. "It's fine." I say. A car honks outside and Jeno is walking towards the front door. Another car drives by as I open the door. A strange guy rolls down the window and pulls out a sniper rifle. "GET DOWN! HE HAS A GUN!" I yell. Chan, Jeno and I all get down. The bullets rapidly flew everywhere. I didn't get a good look, but he wasn't Korean. 

"Whoa. I don't think it's safe for me to be out here." Jeno says. I nod and walk him inside. I check the car where Jeno had gotten out of and the driver had multiple wounds all over his body. I call 9-1-1.  "Yes, there's been a shooting on West Avenue. A man has been badly injured. Me and my friends are all safe and sound in the house." I say. "We'll be there with an ambulance and police. Ma'am, you'll have to tell us everything that happened." says the operator. "Ok. Bye." I say, while hanging up the phone. I didn't know who would try to kill or even hurt us. "TAE!" Felix yells. "I'm fine Felix." I say, holding Felix's hands against my face. "Are you sure?" Felix asks while lifting up my sweatshirt to check for wounds. "I said I'm fine!" I yell. "Taeylee, calm down." Felix says. 

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