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The police arrive. "What happened?" asks the police officer. "There was a shooting and the driver in that van was wounded multiple times. He might be dead. The shooter was around 20 and was white. Not Korean at all." I say, pointing towards the van. "Thanks ma'am." the officer says, walking away and getting into his car, driving off. "What are we going to do?" Jeno asks. I shrug. How am I supposed to know everything? Because I sure don't. "We're on lockdown for a couple more days until they find him," Chan says. I sigh. "What's wrong Tae?" Felix asks. "Nothing, I just wanted to hang out with Jeno this afternoon. I haven't seen him in a long time." I say, fiddling with my hair. Hyunjin comes and sits by me. "We'll leave you alone. But, I'm not leaving you when this stuff is happening. Nothing is going to happen to you. I promise." Hyunjin says.

"How can I trust you?" I ask, looking deep into his chocolate brown eyes. "Because I'm Hyunjin." he says, acting all manly. "And I'm Jeno!" Jeno shouts happily with his gummy smile. "You guys are the best. I love you all so much." I say, tearing up. "Oh, don't cry. I'll cry if you cry." Chan says, sniffling. "I guess we'll cry together." I say smiling and crying at the same time. "Too bad you have to leave in a few months for studies." Chan says, exposing my secret I wasn't going to tell anyone yet. "CHAN!" I yell. "OMG sorry." Chan says. "WHAT!? You're leaving soon??" Felix asks. "But you just got here." Hyunjin says. "Look what you did Chan." I say, giving him a death stare. 

"Whoops," he says looking down at the ground in sadness. "Guys, I was going to tell you once all this stuff was over. But, seems it already happened." I say, looking at Chan, who has hurt in his eyes. "But you told Chan," Felix says. "He's my brother. I am allowed to tell him." I say getting a glass of water from the kitchen. "And I'm your lover, therefore, you have to tell me," Felix says leaving everyone in shock while I almost choke. "Excuse you?" I ask. "Yeah, excuse you?" Hyunjin asks. "So, Y'all had a one night stand? Because I would've been there for that." Minho asks. "MINHO!" I yell. "God, why did I even come here in the first place?!" I say in frustration. "Tae, wait!" Jeongin yells. 

To Be Continued...

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