Chapter Two

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Lozen's POV

"Derek could you jus- Nevermind I got it," I said carrying a sleeping 4 year old Aiden and trying to open the door to put him in his car seat. I got the door open, no thanks to Derek, who is just standing there watching me, a 5 month pregnant women putting her sleeping son in the car seat after a long flight to Seattle.

I take Ethan off of Derek once I get Aiden settled. "Here let me get the door for you." He says. He then opens the door for me. I scoff.

"Would've been helpful for the last one as well." I fire back. He shrugs.

"My hands were full" He says.

"Whatever get in the car I don't want to be late." 


We pull up to the hospital in Forks at 6pm sharp. 3 hours late, thanks to the idiot in the seat next to me getting lost and not asking for directions.

I run, or waddle as fast as I can to the reception desk, I ask where he is, the lady tells me. I make my way to the elevator and push button 4. 

As the elevator doors are starting to close I hear a faint "Hold the door!" so I stick my hand out.

The man Jumps into the elevator and seems very tired. "You look wrecked man," I say.

"Yeah, its been a long couple of weeks, my Dad is sick and stuck upstairs. What are you doing here? Is it a checkup?" He asks pointing to my belly. 

I shake my head. "No, that would be easier, I got a letter in the mail that said I was adopted and needed to come see my biological dad. Before it was to late. What floor you heading to?" I explain then question.

"Sucks man. Oh, almost forgot, floor four. Oh, you are heading there too?" He asks.

"Yeah." Then we both look away. Can someone say akward?

Then I am suddenly aware of a scent, it is coming from this man. He smells like my babies. Is he, is he a werewolf like me and my sons?

Before I could answer the question, or think further, the elevator dinged signaling the destination was reached. "Guess I'll see you around?" The man questions. I nod.


As the man walks one way I walk to the nurses station up here.


I make my way to where they said my supposed father was. I knock on the door.

It opens and I see the man from earlier and a older man in the hospital bed. I ignore the man from the elevator and focus on the one in the bed. "Are you Thomas Lahote?"  

The man nods. "I suppose you are Lozen then hmmm?" It's my turn to nod.

"I think you sent me an invitation to come and visit you, so, here I am." I say.

He nods. Now the man from earlier speaks up. "Come in and sit down" He says.


"I suppose you want to know who your biological mother is then?" My 'father' asks. hesitantly I nod. "Her name is Thalia Hale, we were supposed to send a letter each month to each other, just updating each other on our lives. You see, she was married and had a 2 Year old son and a 7 Year old daughter, her and her husband drifted apart. I was traveling and ended up in California. We had a fling, then she told me she had to make it work with her husband. I understood and came back here, about 3 months later she called and told me she was pregnant. I wanted to keep you, but, she said she had to give you up, that she couldn't raise you, there was problems with your birth, you were to small, born premature, at 6 months. She couldn't in good conciseness keep you and not feel guilty about you to her husband, and I was just getting started in life myself. We gave you up for the better.  I hope you understand that." I only nod. In shock.

"Good. Now next order of business. I had a baby with my wife before she left me. His name is Paul, he is 2 years younger than you. That man sitting right there is Paul." He points to the man from earlier.  

He was about to say something else when I cut in, "C-can I just go pee, before you start, kinda have two babies sitting on my bladder." he nods and smiles.

I leave the room and waddle to the bathroom. I call Derek. "Lozen, did you get lost?" He asks.

"No. I need you to meet me on the fourth floor with the twins, ok?" I ask.

"Yeah, we will be there in 5." He says then hangs up.


I see Aiden first. "Moma!!" He yells. He runs to me and hugs me. I grab him off the floor. 

"Okay. Derek follow me." I say, he follows me.

We get to the door. I take a deep breath before pulling it open. "Here goes nothing" I say.

"Thought you fell in, I was about to send Paul to go help you." My 'father' says. I hear Paul laugh. 

"No didn't fall in." I says as I move into the room. "But I brought a couple of Surprises." I exclaim.

I hold Aiden up proudly. My father and Paul gasp as they see my little entourage.

"This," I say, "Is my son, Aiden." And I move him to my right side, and turn around and grab Ethan from Derek and put him on my left hip. "This is my other son Ethan," I giggle as he hides in my neck. "He is a little shy." I laugh and so does Dad. 

"They are so cute," he says, "And I'm guessing that is their father and the 2 in the oven?"

I shake my head. "No, that is gross. This is my best friend Derek, Hale." I say. 

He looks shocked. So does Paul. 

"Boys this is my Father, Thomas, and to you two, Grandpa. And his is my not-so-little brother Paul, to yo two, Uncle Paul." 

"Derek, We have something to tell you."


We told Derek everything. He took it OK-ish.

I tell Dad and Paul about my Adventures as a wolf, after Dad asked if Derek was still a Werewolf.

Dad and Paul tell us about the pack and imprinting. They told us about everything. Finally, more people like me. I'm not alone.

And maybe, just maybe, I will find a home, a real home. One I can see myself in for the rest of my life, with my kind, in a pack, belonging. Having a lot of people depending on me. A place I can raise all 4 of my boys and possibly have more. Maybe a daughter. Maybe find the best love of my life.

Get ready Black pack, I'm finally home.

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