Chapter Three

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Lozen's POV

Paul is driving the Mini-van I own, I was in the passenger seat, Derek in the middle seats with my Father, he was released from the hospital. Being stable enough to be out and about. The twins were sitting in the very back, giggling at their Grandpa as he makes funny faces at them.

This, this is how life is supposed to be. I have a feeling things are just gonna go up from here. I know things are going to go up from here. I get to meet the rest of the pack. All except their Alpha, he is visiting his imprint, a half vampire, half human hybrid. 

We pull up at a cozy, cottage- like house. Paul parks my van, then turns off the engine and turns to us. "Hey, about the Beta- Sam's wife and imprint, don't stare Sam doesn't like it, Okay?" He pauses, "And most of the wolves have imprints already. Except Embry and Leah. Embry might try to hit on you Lozen, he will also try to look into your eyes and try with all his might to imprint on you. Leah is just a bitter old lady. Oh, and you will meet my Rachel." He says his eyes lighting up at the thought of his imprint.

We all get out, Paul and Derek helping the twins as I hold my fathers arm. He is a little stumble prone right now. That's expected right now though, spending that much time in bed. When we are all out, we walk into the house, this time Paul is helping Dad walk, and I am holding Ethan as Aiden holds onto the back of my leg. Derek is right beside Paul and my Dad.

We get in the house and immediately see a tall dark haired man. He looks at us in question then takes a smell and nods. "Lozen and company this is the Beta Sam. Sam, this little lady that swallowed a planet is my big sister Lozen. That is her big brother Derek, her son Aiden," He points at the one I am holding. "And that is Ethan her other son." He finishes pointing at the one holding my leg. He looks back at Sam, I clear my throat, he spins around and cringes. "I didn't get that right, did I?" I shake my head.

Sam comes over to me. "So then this little guy is Ethan," He trails off as he gets closer to Ethan, who turns his head and hides in my neck. Sam chuckles, "Aw, a little shy one I see." We all laugh. He bends down in front of me facing Aiden. "Hey, you must be Aiden, right?" He questions. Aiden nods as he looks at Sam. Then he sort of lets my leg go and holds out his hand. Sam takes his hand and gently shakes it.


We walk into the kitchen, there is a black haired lady at the stove, "Lozen and company meet Emily, my wife and Imprint." Sam says. Emily turns around, she has 3 long scars down her face. I make it a point to smile the brightest smile at her.

"Waht hapwened to wour fwace" Aiden blurted out.

"Aiden!" I scold. I look at Emily. "I'm sorry." I say sincerely.

Emily nods. "Don't worry about it. And to answer your question little boy, I didn't eat my vegetables."

Aiden gasps and looks at me. "Can I eat mwore wegtables mwoma?" He asks scared. I laugh and nod.

"Defiantly." I say.


Later on the rest of the pack comes stumbling in. "OK. So pack, this is my big sister Lozen, her big brother Derek, and her sons Aiden," he points to the twin holding onto my leg. "And Ethan," he points to the one that is once again hiding in my neck. "Did I get them right this time?" He questions me.

"Gold star," I say winking at him.

"I did?" I nod. "Victory!" He says.

"Anyway," Sam begins. "Lozen and company, this is the pack. You have Jared, Quil, Embry," then he pauses as Embry introduces himself.

"You could just call me Em, good looking." He says flirtatious.

Then he looks in my eyes and looks disapointed. He looks down and freezes. I look where he was looking and see Aiden. No way.

"Sam, did he just imprint on my son?" Sam nods.

Embry looks up worried. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to, it, it just happened." He scrambles for words.

I laugh. "Embry, as long as it dosen't mean anything bad. I'm fine with it.
Means he has someone that will always love him unconditionally."

Everyone sighed in relief except for Quil and Jared. Quil handed Jared a five dollar bill.

"Now that is taken care of, that is Seth, Beady, Collin, and Leah." Leah also kind of looked off to the side of me and her jaw dropped.

I look behind me at Derek, his face was beat red, guess he knew what Leah just did.

"I have a sister in law now!" I squealed as I went up and hugged her with the half of my body not supporting Ethan.

She comes out of her trance and seems shocked by the hug. "Isn't this shaping up to be a great day! A son in law and a sister in law. Wait, Paul you said you had an imprint as well,"

"Rachel. She's out of town." He replies.

"Two sister in law's! Yes!" I scream. "And Cora is in South America my little sister!"

Derek chuckles.

"And 2 brothers!! But you know what the high point of the day is? I met my Dad!!"

My father chuckles along with my brothers. "I think she is just processing what all happened today." Derek says.


I took the twins out for a walk in the woods. We are  standing in the middle of a clearing. The boys are picking at some flowers, Aiden is picking some to give to Emily, to apologise for the scars comment. He is also picking some for Embry because as I quote 'he is vwery pwity'. I laughed at that.

Ethan is sitting right beside me tucked into my side. He is twirling a flower in his hands. Its a daisy. "Mwoma?" I hear Aiden question me.

"Yeah baby." I answer.

"Do wou twink Embwy will wlike his fwowers?" He asks me.

"I'm sure he will love them." I answer while making a flower crown. I finsh the crown and place it on Ethan's head, he giggles.

"Mwoma?" I hear Aiden again.


"What twat smwell?" He asks.

Then I smell it. A horrible burning smell. This is the smell Paul described to me.

"Boys. Come here. Good. Now stay huddled together and small. When I phase hide under me. Okay?" My boys nod.

I look at my belly then my boys and quickly phase. It hurts a little from being pregnant but I have to protect my boys. I was about to howl when I seen her. Instead I lower myself closer to my boys, and threaten with a low growl.

She didn't seem phased. In fact she stepped a little closer. I pull back my hackles and get in a threatening position, angling my neck up but chin down, ready to pounce. She's not coming near or touching my babies.

She comes even closer, I prepare to lunge, right before I move, something tackles me from my side. I land on my other side and see a brownish wolf a little bit smaller than me. He tackles me again. I snap at him.

The fight goes on, I quickly have him pinned my teeth in his throat. That is until he finds enough strength to pull his feet up and kick me right in the stomach.

I go flying and land a few feet away from my boys. I shift back involuntarily and grasp my stomach while crying.

I crawl towards my twins and wrap myself around them as good as I can. Protecting them until everything goes black. But before that I hear a voice.


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