Chapter 4

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Lozen's POV

"Wake.... tell...... sunrise....... Aiden............. Embry.......... Thomas." I can make out a word here and there. My body feels like I had gained the weight of a whole universe, plus some. My head is all fuzzy and I can't seem to concentrate.

"Mwoma?" I hear the faintest voice. Its like suddenly I am have enough energy to run a marathon. I open my eyes wide, then close them because the light blinds them.

I sit up and wince. I get up and go to walk when a blinding pain hits my stomach, I sit back down, fast. I look around, no one was here. What about the voices? A door opens and a man walks in.

"Oh good, you're awake." he gleams. He smells like the girl in the clearing, the same smell everyone told me to be aware of.

He steps closer, "Paul and you father are worried about you. Derek is taking care of your boys." He informs.

"I want to see my boys." I said firmly.


"Mwoma!!!" Aiden squeals as he jumps at me. I pull him tight to me. I look around and see Ethan standing at the side of the bed.

"C'mere you!" I shouted and lunged at him, pulling him toward me, and wrap him in the biggest, warmest hug ever. "I'm so glad you two are alright." I inform them.

"Mwoma, wou got hurted." Ethan said.

"I'd do it again for you." I said. I reach down to rub my belly, and panic when I feel nothing but soft tissue. I silently cry above the boys heads. That wolf killed my babies.


A few hours later I was allowed to get up. I went downstairs and was greeted by a big hug from my dad, "I'm so sorry, Lozen." I nod against his shoulder. 

Next is Paul, who squeezes me so tight that I momentarily forget about the wolf who took my babies. Then Derek who pulled me into him and started rocking me, like when we were little kids.

I am greeted by the rest of the Quilette pack. We all walk outside to get away from the smell, I see something in the distance, it just gets closer, it is the girl from the clearing. 

I shift and go to attack her, I am once again tackled to earth, I see that same flash of brown and go into a murderous rage.

I attack him, everything is put to killing him for killing my babies. I don't mess around this time, I full on put all my effort into it. I have him easily pinned in a matter of seconds, but that only lasts a little, he flips us over and growls a supreme growl, this must be the Alpha. I growl louder and he cowers, his ears against his head and whimpers, along with the other pack members. I go in for the kill when I feel a sharp sting on my side, I yelp and fall, pain spreading everywhere, I unwillingly shifted back. 

Why am I so cold? Why is the stinging so cold? What happened. 

"Lozen!!" I hear my Dads voice, then see his face above me. He takes me in his arms. "Lozen, are you ok?" I start to cry.

"Dad, Dad, it hurts so bad." I barely whisper.

"I know baby, I know." He says then searches my body. His hand goes to my side and finds the source of the stinging. "Get Carlisle!! Now!!! She bit her!!"

I feel more movement, then feel a wave of warmth. "Hold on Lozen, I'm just gonna put my shirt over you. Don't need the twins seeing, right?" I just nod at Paul, weakly. He picks my top half up and slides the shirt over my head. My eyes temporarily meet a boys I haven't met. He resembled that wolf that killed my babies. 

My world flashes before my eyes and I see him, just him. His smile, his laugh, his eyes. Him mad, him happy, then him crying as we sit in a clinic room, staring at the monitor. Then I see him with an older Aiden and Embry, looking like he was scolding them. Then him with Ethan in his arms asleep. Then its all gone and I am still looking into the Alphas eyes. I quickly glare at him, "You!!" I seethe in complete anger, he can't, absolutely can't be my imprint. He killed my babies, and put my boys in complete danger. And he has her. He already has an imprint, maybe he didn't imprint back. I hope not. All I know is I am going to do whatever I can to make sure that future doesn't happen.

I start shaking, extremely bad. 

"Lozen!!" Paul yells. "Don't phase, Dad is right beside us!! You'll hurt him!!"

I push my dad and Paul off me, then at the last minute Paul pulls dad back. I burst into my wolf and convulse. I feel only warmth I feel the supposed bite mark pushing out the cold, and it dripping on the ground and start to heal, then the fur grows back. I pounce at the Alpha while growling. He stands his ground at first, but as soon as I get close he explodes into a huge red and brown wolf. He just stands there, stable and solid. Refusing to fight with me, or instigate another fight. That makes my blood boil even more. 

I stand in front of him, about a foot taller than him in wolf form, and growl at him, deep and rumbling. He keeps his head up, held high, glaring right at me. He looks like he trying to say something. He then looks perplex that he can't talk to me like the other wolves. I growl, and launch at him again, this time prepared to fight until the death. He will pay for killing my babies. 

I fight with him, and its a good fight, I get a lot of good bites in, he twists in pain, he fights back. I snap a lot at him. I hear the other wolves wince and mumble how that looked like it hurt, good. It wasn't supposed to feel like butterflies. He snaps at my throat but misses. Pfft, amateur. I snap at his neck and feel the blood flow into my mouth. I pull back and spit it out, gross. He yelps. My heart tugs. And it feels as though that I am dying. Is that the imprint? Too bad, time for the kill.

As I go in for the kill, I am interrupted yet again, a silver flash from the side, and pushes me off of the Alpha. I growl menacingly at the other wolf and go in to kill the Alpha again. The silver wolf blocks again, I growl at the wolf, he lowers his head but lies in front of me, still blocking.

I look down at the silver wolf and see it is Paul, my little brother, I run behind a tree, after grabbing the clothing my dad was holding out for me. I phase back, when I return so was Paul and the unnamed Alpha. 

"What the hell Paul?!" I question. He shrugs.

"I wasn't about to let you kill your Imprint, no matter how bad he hurt you. Plus he is kinda the Alpha. Sorry but, even if you are my sister, can't let you kill him. No matter how much I would love to kill him, its genetically encoded to protect your Alpha." He explains, looking pained.

"You have another Alpha!!" I scream. "Sam was Alpha before that thing was right?" I take a breath. "He could be Alpha again, Paul!!" I scream.

He looks at me questioningly. "How come I couldn't hear you when we were phased?" 

I just stare at him like he is dumb. "That is what you guys do, I'm different, remember?!!! Now stop changing the damn subject that disgrace you call Alpha killed my unborn twins!!!" I scream. "Why can't I just kill him already?!!!" I look around and see my boys aren't outside. "And where in the hell did my boys go?!! And where is Derek?!!!! Was this just a ploy to kill all of us?!!!!! Did you fake being my brother, and you my father, just to get me to bring everything I love so you can kill them and take them away from me?!!!!!"

Paul takes another breath. "The twins are inside with Derek, have been since the first fight broke out." He looks at me, "You seriously think we would pretend to be your family?  Lozen, please calm down, we need to talk about how you magically healed from  a hybrid bite, the imprint, and the killing of our Alpha. And about you joining the pack. Ok." He says.

I start to calm down a bit. "Fine, but, I'm never joining your pack, as long as he is Alpha." I say glaring right at the Alpha. "And as far as the so called imprint, it doesn't exist as far as I am concerned." Paul looks outraged.

"You can't refuse the imprint, it will kill you. And him." Paul says.

I shrug. "He should have thought about that before he killed my babies." And with that I walk into the house and immediately pull Ethan and Aiden into my arms and hug the as hard as I can. 

Circuitous - Jacob BlackHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin