Chapter 8

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Harry's P.O.V.

"Who were you talking to?" She asked, finding something to watch on netflix.

"Uh just Niall, he was trying to figure out where to take im guessing?" I replied.

I sat next to her and took the remote from her, turning on 21 & Over.

"Oh cool haha, Thanks how did you know I was looking for that movie?" She asked looking at me wide eyed.

"I didn't, I wanted to watch it..." I trailed off.

I didn't want too, but I need to stop, she can't find out what I am.

And i'm making it way too obvious, but its not hard not too, I feel so comfortable around her.


"Oh okay." She said moving closer to me.

As did I, we were shoulder to shoulder.

Like a awkward couple.

Just as I was about to grab her hand I got an actual text from Niall.

Niall: HELP!!!! I need a place to take Taja...

Fuck it actaully happened.

Me: Mate, sorry but I kinda made you think of that...haha take her to that new resteraunt, then a movie, then a walk around the park, then take her home. You're welcome. xx

Niall: Fuck you, but thank you...ring you soon. x bye.

I set my phone on the table.

I grabbed her hand, as my eyes were glued to the television.

In my periferial vision, I saw her smile.


"Harry..?, Can I ask you something?" She said turning to me slowly.

"Sure.." I said looking back at her, smiling.

Bailey's P.O.V.

I was so scared to even bring it up, what if he thought I wanted to date him, and change for him.

What if his standards or what he likes in a girl, aren't what I am.

I had to have 10 seconds of courage.

"What do you look for in a girl? or what are your standards?" I said slowly.

"Oh, well this may sound cliche, but..." He started.

" I just look for trustworthyness, and loyalty, if i see that in a girl then i'm set, I don't need to settle for hot, sexy girls, but the pretty, cute ones are my type. My standards aren't high at all, she just needs to be shorter than me, and can handle me at my worst." He said smiling at me, hypnotizing me it felt.

"How do you know you're in love? what are things that happen in a relationship, that make it clear you guys are both in love?" I asked more confidentaly.

"Well, this is also sorta adding onto, what I look for in a person. Just a person you can make stupid jokes with, just hanging out, being bored together, talking to that person at all hours of the day and wanting to talk to them, not even wanting to go to sleep because you might be without them for a second, and no one wants that to happen, with the person you love..." He said, blushing.

All I did was smile.

This kid is great.

Amazing even.

I don't know what it was, but I didn't want to lose him.

At all.

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