Here I Am

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The sun shone soothingly through the open window, it's flower petal curtains flowing freely in the wind.
Shadows snuck into every corner, behind every couch, straying far from light whenever they could, fearful of the bright pain about to sting them.
A peaceful, yet tense serenity had descended upon and blessed the beige painted house.

Why tense?
Because, this story starts on the day I remembered how my parents, um... rediscovered I had more than just a... well... let's just say wild imagination.

This is my story. Dedicated to @lgbtq


A clothed shape darted across the red grass field, a trail of a blue, pink and purple feathers following sharply afterwards. She was rushing about on all fours, galloping in search of a hiding place from the dreaded giant tracking the creature from close behind.
Sneaking deeper into the shades, she leapt from cave to cave, ridge to ridge, hoping to loose her restless pursuiter.
In those lands of Mount Cushion, she was known as Kayza Gemdragon, the most protective of all dragons, and acceptor of all walks of life.
She was blessed with the ability of becoming one with the shadows, so Kayza could stop her enemies in their tracks. Her wings of bluus, purlpe and pink could stop any evil, and she intended to do so (Note: This is how young me spelt those colours. I only ever got pink right).

But despite her might and power, she needed help this time.
And she knew exactly who to ask.

"Where are you Gemdragon?" A sickingly sweet tone she recognised all too well rang out through the mountains, the ground trembling at every dreaded footstep, as the wooden mouth of the endless rocky walls creaked open and the winds made of violin music whistled through. "I'm going to gobble up you up when I find you if it's the last thing I do!"
"You will never take my friends or enemies from me!" Kayza cried, her shadow soldiers of the Cushion Caverns cloaking her with their misty bodies. "Only I can do that!"
"Aha! But you can never win Kayza! For I am Cream! The most feared - and most beautiful - giant in this puny stone bowl you call Mount Cushion!" The monstrous shadow of the giant did indeed reach the highest reaches of the mountains and beyond, stretching into the pale white, forever cracked sky!
"That doesn't matter!" Kayza retaliated. Then in a hushed voice, she addressed her soldiers; "All of you get ready to distract her! Direct the tower's of light towards her and blind her, then I'll pounce from above and stop her!"

The soldiers, being made of nothing but shadow and darkness, but always ready to follow her into battle, all nodded in unison and willingness, before allowing themselves to dissolve into paper thin serpents, that hurriedly slithered into their positions.

"I will end your weak reign!" Cream cackled gleefully, tossing up the square rocks as if they were filled with feathers.
"And I will end your... angry! Um... rain?... Reign!" Kayza stumbled slightly on her words, knowing that what she said was true. She peered out from behind her cover.

She watched carefully.
Waiting for her moment.
The perfect moment.

The army scattered into three teams, sliding very riskily beneath Cream the Giant, spreading out their forces in order to man each Tower of Light. Each of these hree tower's symbolised something precious, something everyone in the valley had to respect and keep in mind at all times.
The blue-green tower stood in honour of strength and protection.
The pink-black tower stood for Kindness and consideration.
And the purple-gold tower stood strong for unity and teamwork.
Each of these meant something much more to Kayza however, but that is to be addressed another time.
Clambering up the craggy side of the wall, the gem-dragon clutched the top of the flattened rock, crawling in a stealthy fashion, allowing her claws to dig deep into the stone. She gripped hard and slumped her feathered, leathery body every time her foe glanced her way, and keeping her focus sharp and enhanced towards her goal.
Kayza knew the giant was searching ravenously, growing ever more impatient. With every minute her soldiers reached their posts, the villainous Cream's vexed frustration pulsed off the giant like a stinky stench.

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