Little Talks

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"Hmm... no. Not there."
"Aww, why not?"
"There's no place for Katie to sleep! She loves rabbit borrow and ant hill set ups!"
"I mean, her parents got her a big gift, why shouldn't we?"
"Agreed. Katie deserves her planned sanctuary to be completed."
"Especially after her birthday punishment."
"We know what she likes, so where to put each room is the true question..."
"Man, can't we do something simpler?"
"Katie is going to grow up into a kindhearted, sophisticated young lady, and you expect the girl we raised to get a simpleton cottage home?!"
"She's far from a simpleton, you hollow-brained-ginger-scamp! I live in a cottage, and it is far from simple!"
"You're a giant! She is a midget human! Extraordinary size difference!"
"Both of you hush! She'll hear us!"
"She has glue ear, and her parents refuse to stick a drill into her skull to fix it!"
"She's more than less likely to notice our argument."
"Ugh, the thought alone just makes me shiver..."
"But her attention to details are phenomenal!"
"Thank her musical mother for that."
"She can detect a flat note a mile away."

"Final check through. Art Studio?"

"She'll love that."
"She started drawing at one and a half to communicate with us and her family! What do you think?"
"No need for your overdose of sarcasm. I don't need to throw up."

"Music hall?"

"Completed and accounted for."
"Man, ginger man! You know a fair amount of decor!"
"Do not push your luck sausage hands."

"Paintball Base?"

"Oh, I made sure if that!"
"You are her mentor.
"She's always told me she wanted to have a paintballing war with us."
"That'll be fun for her to kick our butts. Good shout."


"I found copies of the dragon statues she'll have in the future!"
"Wait, you have clairvoyance?!"
"How else do you think I've always been on time for everything?!"
"I... just thought you were really, really, REALLY well organised..."

"Ahem. Cake N' Candy Machine?"

"That was our idea! Wonder if she'll save us a cupcake or two..."
"Well, if we know our Katie, she'll do that for sure!"
"You two hush! But yes, the machine is done. Thanks to Katie's latest creation of Cogram. We gathered the ingredients. They're ready to roll!"

"Study and Library?"

"Quite completed. There are a few... handmade modifications that Katie will be permitted to change at will."
"What about these books here...?"
"I was joking. Jeez..."

"Can someone else take over? I'm losing the will to live..."
"I've done mine, I will take over."
"Will he be alright?"

"Kitchen? Oh, right. He just flopped due to exhaustion-- wait. Loose thumbs up, correct? Yes? Perfect. Kitchen is done. Next is... living room?"

"Take a look for yourselves!"
"Is... is that a slide into a pool of unlimited favourite flavour water?"
"Yep! Whoever jumps in, tastes pure joy! It took me... a while, to find the right combination of Katie's memories of fruits, veg and treats to get it right."
"Not gonna lie. THAT'S impressive."

"Oh, this ones nice! Memory Gallery?"

"That HAS to be the crown jewel of this place!"
"We can put all our memories with her in frames!"
"Can we enlarge them? I'm thinking of the time Kati-- I mean, Kayza Gemdragon first took upon her sacred oath to protect us all!"
"I'll certainly see if it's possible!"

"Flying track course?"

"Why that?"
"Kayza Gemdragon. It's in the name, doofus."
"Whoops... sorry"
"You're not wrong about that; you guys know she loves to fly."

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