The Lonely

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Now then, before I start describing my state and what happened after the arrest of my former father, I must warn you all now, before you decide what you want to do.

And this is an important warning, because there will be more of this in future chapters.

Much more.

There will be mentions of bullying and homophobia from here on out.
Not in excessive detail, but mentioned nonetheless.

If you are not comfortable with this, I understand if you wish to skip this chapter, and come back to it when you are ready.
That's perfectly understandable, and I do get it.

Those of you who are ready, or thinks they are and want to try their best, allow me to continue...
You can dip out at anytime.

This is just a story of the past, after all.

Its possible for you all to escape.

Just that little bit harder for me though.

But I've wanted to do this for a while so... this will be a hurdle for me in itself.

Now that's out the way, let's restart the story before I become discouraged and start crying again...


I remember the darkness crawling through my head, through every part of my being.

It had rested there for as long as I can remember.

It infested my body.

That day.
That day.

How I loath the memory.

Even at this very moment, as I write.

The day of the Offender's arrest.

I no longer refer to him by his first name. Nor by the title of 'father'.
He doesn't deserve it.
Not from me, not from my sisters, not even from my brother. He never has, and never will deserve our caring love for him.
We were just to oblivious to see it.

Noises whispered painful nothings into my ear.

My gaze, I recall, was blank and fixed in place.

It was if I was... floating.

As if I was... disconnected from the world of the living, leaving my body behind to rot.

Unable to touch back down.

In honesty, it all felt so surreal.

So fake.

So unnatural.

Time had long since passed, the faded tones of the day dissolving to the inky shades called the night, and was no longer a thing to me. I just... lay there, allowing everything around me to be absorbed.

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