Chapter 2

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Find the support you need through other fathers in similar situations as you.
Email Kim Seokjin at if you are interested.
Please provide an outline of your schedule in order for a meeting time that works for all interested parties to be scheduled.


From: Kim Namjoon <>
To: Kim Seokjin <>
Subject: Single Dads Club
Tuesday, March 6 at 8:06 AM

Dear Mr. Kim,

My youngest son and daughter's preschool teacher provided me with your flyer as I was dropping them off this morning, and it has piqued my interest. I would love to know more about this prospective club. If you could respond to this email with a few more details, it would be highly appreciated. Until then, a meeting would be best during my office hours, which are from 8:00-9:00 and 11:00-1:00 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I'm afraid I'm unavailable on Tuesdays and Thursdays, as I have classes all day, and after 3:00 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, as I pick my children up as soon as my teaching day is done.

On a side note, I notice from your flyer that you work at Wings Early Intervention. I'm having some concerns over my oldest son; would it be possible to schedule a meeting with someone at the center?

Kim Namjoon
Psychology Department at University of Korea Community College Seoul


From: Park Jimin <>
To: Kim Seokjin <>
Subject: Single Dads Club
Tuesday, March 6 at 8:57 AM

Hi, Jin!

I'm very interested in this club you're wanting to start. As you know, I've been struggling a bit with juggling my schoolwork and Jungkook's needs since Taemin left, so it would be really nice to have some extra support. I'm free all day on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but if that doesn't work for you, I'm willing to come during breaks in my school schedule on Mondays, Wednesdays, or Fridays. I have a break between classes from 11:00-12;00, or I am free anytime after 3 on Mondays, 2 on Wednesdays, and 1 on Fridays, that is, until I have to pick Jungkook up from the center.

I hope you get enough members soon!


From: Kim Seokjin <>
To: Kim Namjoon <>
Subject: RE: Single Dads Club
Tuesday, March 6 at 12:02 PM

Hi, Mr. Kim.

I'm very pleased to hear of your interest in this club. As of now, there are no set details in stone. I plan for this group to be a safe place for single fathers to share their concerns and stresses and receive support in return. I also have an idea of possibly setting up weekend playdates between our children, if that is something the other fathers are interested in.

As for your question pertaining to your son, unfortunately, we cannot schedule any meetings without a referral from your child's doctor. If your concerns are serious, I would suggest speaking to your son's pediatrician to see if he agrees that a meeting and possible evaluation with a staff member here at Wings Early Intervention is the way to go.

I hope this has helped!

Kim Seokjin
Occupational Therapist at Wings Early Intervention Childcare Center


From: Kim Seokjin <>
To: Park Jimin <>
Subject: RE: Single Dads Club

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