Chapter 4

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"Okay, Tae Tae," Taehyung didn't look up from Namjoon's phone, which he still had from the doctor's office, as Namjoon began to unbuckle him from his car seat. "Let's go to school~" Namjoon thought it would be an easy transition from how calm the four-year-old had been, but quickly found his assumption was wrong as he tried to take his phone back.

"No!" Taehyung began screaming, the tears falling almost immediately as he refused to let go of the electronic.

"Taehyung, you can't take my phone with you." Namjoon explained calmly as he finally got his phone out of Taehyung's grip. "Maybe Ms. Hong will let you play with the class iPad when we get there~" Taehyung continued screaming, falling limp as Namjoon got him out of the car, making it harder for the man to hold him or stand him up to lead into the preschool. He eventually got a good grip on the preschooler and turned to walk towards the building, at which point Taehyung started flailing around, causing Namjoon to almost drop him. Namjoon sighed and stopped walking, adjusting his grip on Taehyung. "Do you want to stay with Daddy today?" Taehyung stopped his movements, but he was still screaming, his face bright red from the force of his cries. Namjoon turned back to the car and strapped Taehyung back into his seat, handing his phone back to the crying child, who took it and went back to the app he was on before all while still screaming, but at a slightly lower volume.

The screams gradually became small sobs as they arrived at the building Namjoon's office was in, only hiccups by the time Namjoon was helping Taehyung into one of the chairs in the room. The first thing Namjoon did after starting up his computer was email his students to cancel classes for the day, making sure to leave instructions for an assignment to make up for the missed day. He then decided he might as well get caught up on some grading while he waited until time for the meeting.


Jimin knocked on the open door with the hand not wrapped around Jungkook, keeping the two-year-old propped on his hip. His teacher, Mrs. Lee, looked up from her desk and immediately waved him inside. "Come on in, Jimin," her gaze fell on the toddler in his arms, "and this must be the little Jungkookie we hear so much about in class."

Jungkook got shy at the unknown female cooing at him, so he tightened his grip around Jimin's neck and buried his face in his dad's neck. "He's a little shy~" Jimin explained before letting his backpack fall from his shoulder, attempting to open it with one hand. "I just wanted to bring my assignment for Early Childhood Competencies, since I won't be able to be in class."

"Okay~" Mrs. Lee gladly accepted the papers from Jimin and flicked through them to make sure they were all there. "We'll miss you in class again, Jimin, I hope Jungkook starts to feel better."

She flashed a smile to the young boy as Jimin shouldered his backpack. "Thank you, hopefully I'll see you on Monday."

As Jimin walked down the hall towards the same room as the previous week, Jungkook lifted his head up as he realized they weren't going back out to the car. "'Ere going?"

"We're just going to see some of Daddy's friends. Won't that be fun?" Jimin sensed the meltdown coming on before he even looked over at Jungkook and saw the way his lip had started to quiver. "Oh, Kookie, it's okay!" Jimin gently maneuvered the boy's head to his shoulder to both comfort him and try to muffle the sobs so as not to disturb the people in class. "We won't be there for very long! And guess who else will be there...Jin from school!"

Jungkook lifted his head up, now trying to hold back his cries as he brought his hand up to rub his eye. "Jinnie?"

"Yeah, Jinnie will be there!" Jimin assured him as he finally reached the classroom, opening to door to see that Jin and Yoongi were already there along with two young girls. "See, I told you he would be here~"

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