Rant + Update Schedule.

5.4K 169 11

Ok so first things first, I just wanted to say thank you guys for 5.2K reads. you have no idea how much it means to me and I love each and every one of you guys. I honestly do.

Secondly, please don't be ghost readers. I work really hard on this book and I spend most of my time thinking or writing about it. I'm becoming very antisocial because of it (I don't really mind but still) and I would actually like for my hard work to be paid off. I don't want to sound ungrateful or bratty because I'm so grateful for you guys but it still upsets me. Your comments and votes motivates me to write more and write better but when my chapters don't get a lot of votes and comments when so many of you guys read the book I just feel like deleting the book because I feel like its not good enough. Please be more active, that's all I'm asking for.

Thirdly, my junior college will be starting from August and I have to study for my SATs so I've come up with a schedule. I promise to update every week on Saturday and if not Saturday then latest by Sunday morning. I'm actually going to stick by it because I know how it feels to wait for an update.

The fourth thing is that I'm looking for an editor. If any of you guys are interested then message me please.

So yeah that's about it, thank you and I love you all. Oh and if anyone hasn't told you today, You're beautiful.



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