Chapter 20

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Tippi's/Kylie's POV

"Tippi, for christ sake can you concentrate."

"Sorry." Shit, stupid Doctor was a dick anyway and I didn't like him.

"Thankyou." He finished the suturing and strutted off. I of course was left to clean up his mess.

"Hey." Becca said, popping up from nowhere.

I looked at her, I hadn't seen her for a few days and I still hadn't discussed the couch incident with her.

"Well." I glared at her.

"What?" She looked at me all innocent like, please I knew she knew what was on my mind. "So Tippi, tell me."

"Tell you what?" I pulled off my gloves and started walking away.

"Oh hey, so you and Matt are coming to my place tonight."

I stopped and turned around. "We are? How did this happen?"

"Oh he's out there waiting for you." She smiled and winked at me.

He was? What was he doing here? Geez, what was he thinking?

"I asked him and he said yes." Becca said.

"Did he just." I snapped.

"Oh come on Tippi, spill." She poked my arm. "You've got a boyfriend,  soooo, how is it?"

"Look Becca, um, I'm not discussing this with you." What was she expecting from me?

"Tippi, come on, I know you don't do boyfriend's but hey you got one,  so I'll guess I'll have to keep trying on the girl talk."

Girl talk, gah. "I certainly don't do that Becca, I'll listen to you just don't expect any from me."

"Fine." She sighed. "Go, he's waiting for you, I'll see you tonight, I'll see what your like around him."

I watched her smirk and walk away. Why did she need to know details anyway? I don't understand how my life could be of any interest to her.

I pushed my way through the double doors glancing around for Matt.

I spotted him, and oh god, he was talking to Greg.

I walked over, unsmiling, I still couldn't believe he'd come to work.

"Can I help you Tippi?" Greg snapped.

I looked at him, what the fuck, he didn't realise Matt was here to see me.

"Oh I recognized him, I came over to say hi." I'll show this dick.

"Matt has come in to see his girlfriend, not get harrassed by fans." Greg said.

"Oh well in that case sorry." I said to Matt. He looked at me with raised eyebrows and a smirk on his face.

"I'm sure you have work to do." Greg said looking irritated.

"So no photo?" I asked.

"No." He snapped.

I shrugged and started walking away. "Maybe I can get your girlfriend for you?"

Matt smiled at me.

"Good idea." Greg said. "I assume she's a patient."

"No actually she's not." Matt told him.

"Wait, are you saying a staff member?" Greg asked, looking shocked.

"Ooh Greg, maybe we know her?" I said looking at him. "Oh wait, I assume it's a girl, or is it a guy?" I looked at Matt.

Greg looked at me completely horrified.

"Come on Tippi." Matt said. "Enough."

Greg looked from me to Matt then back at me.

"I'm going on break." I told him. "With my boyfriend." I walked out, Matt followed. "Why are you here?"

"Geez Tippi, I dunno, I wanted to see you." He reached out to put his arm around me, I stepped away, no public displays, but he pulled me in close anyway.

I smiled, I couldn't help it, there was something about him. "So we're going to Becca's for dinner?"

"I hope you don't mind." He pulled me close.

"Well." I started but he cut me off with his lips. I wrapped my arm's around his neck, so much for no public displays.

"So what were you going to say?" He asked, smiling at me.

I looked at him, what was it about him? "I have no idea."

"Good." He kissed me again.

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