Chapter 29

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Jimmy's POV

I pulled up at Becca's place, I was about 30 minutes early, but I was hoping for a little bit of bed action before we went on this stupid double date she was making me go on.

She'd rang me yesterday, insisting we go on a date with Matt and Tippi, I didn't want to go on a date, I'd rather just hang around at Becca's, I mean seeing Matt at the moment was fucking horrible, he was a complete fucking soft cock when it came to Tippi, it was embarrassing.

I knocked on the door and waited. Becca opened it.

"Your early." She snapped.

Well fuck. I grabbed her, kissing her and pushing her up against the wall. "I was hoping we might have a quick one before we go."

She pushed me away. "No we will not be having a quick one before we go, they'll be here shortly."

God, what was up her ass?

"Just sit there while I finish getting ready."

She was obviously pissed off about something, I just didn't know what.

I was actually glad when Matt's car pulled up, I was a bit sick of being snapped at by Becca, she was beginning to piss me off.

"Hey." I said getting in the car. "Where we going?"

"Food, movie. " Matt told me.

Yeah, dinner and a movie sounded good to me.

Dinner was okay, thank god Matt and Tippi were there because Becca hardly spoke to me.

The movie wasn't too bad except Becca let me hold her hand, that was it, her hand, and I had to sit there listening to Matt and Tippi whispering to eachother, god.

I'd never been so happy to get dropped off before in my life.

"Thank fuck." I said to Becca as we walked to her door.

"Thank fuck what Jim?" She was so snappy.

"Arghh Matt and Tippi, it's kind of sickening, all over eachother."

"Oh really? Well I think it's sweet." She opened her door, I went to follow her in but she blocked it. "I mean Matt obviously knows how to treat someone, Tippi sure is happy."

What the fuck did that mean? "Maybe you should go out with him then."

"Ha ha very funny Jim, maybe he could give you lessons." She slammed the door in my face.

I stood there shocked, what had I done?

Fuck you, I thought walking back to my car, I don't need you, I got plenty of girls who would be only too happy to have me.

The trouble was, I only wanted Becca.

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