Chapter 27

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Tippi's POV

Oh god, I'd over reacted again, I couldn't believe it, I was such an idiot. Honestly I had no idea what was going on with me, this had never happened to me before, I'd never had a relationship. One of my psychologists had even told me that I was incapable of having a relationship, but hey I'd agreed, I really was incapable. But then I'd met Becca and for the first time I had a friend who seemed to see past my problems and now Matt.

Oh god Matt. I turned over and looked at him, he was sleeping, I felt so bad for how I'd treated him, I truly was a horrible person, he really would be better off without me, but I loved him. Shit. Love. According to Becca that's what these feeling were, love.

When Matt had left yesterday morning I was fine, for about ten minutes, then I'd thought to myself how I couldn't wait to see him that night, and it all went downhill from there.

I moved closer to him, I didn't want to wake him but I wanted to be as close as I could, well because love I guess.

I hated the way I was but there was nothing in the world that could change it, even the professionals didn't know how to fix me, I just had to get on with it, well life anyway.

Matt's phone rang and startled me. He opened his eyes and looked at me, then reached for his phone.

"What?" He sounded grumpy, maybe pissed off at me, I really couldn't blame him. "No, I'm sleeping." He was looking at me. "Not today, I'm busy." I wished he'd stop looking at me. "Fine yes tomorrow." He hung up.

He looked at me, I looked at him, maybe I should apologise for last night.

"I'm so tired." He said. "I'm going back to sleep."

That was fair, we hadn't gone to bed til the early hours, I was tired too.

"Fuck Tippi, stop staring at me."

"Sorry." I said quickly, he was mad, I turned over and stared at the wall. I felt his arm slip around my waist.

"I said stop staring, not move as far away as you could." He kissed my shoulder.

"I'm sorry Matt, I'm not sure what you want." This whole thing was new to me and I really wasn't sure.

"You. That's all."

I smiled, that's all I wanted to hear.

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