Chapter 52

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Matt's POV 

I was staring at the television while Tippi slept when a knock interrupted me.

I opened the door to find Becca standing there.

"Hey." She said walking in. "Jim and I are heading out for dinner and I dropped by to see if you wanted to join us, but I guess not."

"She's still sleeping it off." I told her, I didn't mention the horrible dreams she must be having.

"How is she?" Becca asked.

"Tired, sad."

I hated seeing her like this, it was tearing me apart.

"Are you okay Matt?" Becca asked me.

"I am now I've got her back, I just hope she's okay Becca."

"She will be Matt, she has us, she just needs to sleep it off."

I nodded, she was right, she had us, she had me and I wasn't leaving her side.

"Do you want us to bring you something back?" Becca asked me.

"Nah it's okay, I'll order something for us."

"Okay." Becca said heading for the door. "Look after her."

"Becca, I'm not leaving her side."

"I know." She smiled. "Talk later."

I closed the door behind her and turned back to the bed. Tippi was curled up, at least she'd stopped crying out for now.

I probably should have something to eat but I didn't want to. I just wanted to be with her.

I took off my shoes and jeans and climbed in next to her. I looked at her, she was absolutely perfect to me.

I pulled her into my arms and she stirred and opened her eyes.

"Matt?" She asked. "Your still here?"

"Baby I'm not going anywhere."

"Please don't leave me." She whispered, closing her eyes again.

I kissed her forehead. "I'll never leave you."

"I love you Matthew." She sobbed.

"Good because I love you." I loved her more than anything.

"I'm sorry about all of this."

"Argh Tippi don't be sorry, just don't leave me again." I told her, pulling her closer.

"I won't, ever." She murmured, already falling back to sleep.

"I love you." I whispered in her ear.

She smiled dreamily, but didn't open her eye's.

I layed there watching her sleep. I was okay. She was okay. We were together again so everything was okay.

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