Chapter 57

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Well this was it, I thought climbing out of the car.

"Ready?" Becca asked me.

I'd never been more ready.

Becca kissed me quickly then turned to walk down the aisle.

I was walking down by myself, I didn't need anyone to give me away, my family had given me away years ago.

I started walking and as I did I looked at Matt. He completed me. For years all the doctor's and therapists said I was missing something, that I wasn't right. Now I knew, it was Matt, he was what I'd been missing and now I was complete.

I often wondered if I was born just to find him, if my sole purpose was to find Matt. Was our destiny mapped out before we were born?

He held out his hand and I grabbed onto it.

He pulled me into his arm's, telling me how beautiful I was, I smiled up at him, everything was so perfect.

We turned to the minister. It was a simple ceremony, the only strange thing was the minister using my real name.

I use to hate being called Tippi, now it was all I knew.

Everyone congratulated us after. We had photos taken and then back to our place for the reception.

It was a simple affair, I didn't want any fuss. It was perfect.

It was nice having our friends spend the day with us and I smiled as I looked at Becca telling Jim to go to hell.

He was going to propose to her next week and I'd promised I wouldn't tell. It was hard.

"What are you thinking?" Matt asked, walking up behind me and slipping his arm around my waist.

"Just how nice this is."

I turned to face him.

"Thankyou." I whispered, wrapping my arms around his neck. "For loving me."

He kissed me. "I couldn't not love you baby."

"My life started when I met you."

"So did mine." He murmured.

"I can't wait to see what the future holds." I whispered.

He kissed me again. "Babies maybe?"

Oh god.

"I'd have to think about that."

"In the closet?" He was grinning at me.

"Probably." I laughed.

"There's no rush Tippi, we have the rest of our lives together and I'm in no hurry to do anything but love you."

I kissed him, and then I kissed him some more. I loved him, he loved me, we were married.

I was complete.

The End


Thanks for reading.....I hope you enjoyed it :)

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