Chapter 35

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Tippi's POV

I was in the dark, but I wasn't feeling any calmer. What do I do? I didn't know what to do! Call Becca, poor Becca, always calling her, but I didn't know what to do.

When she answered I couldn't talk, and oh god, he was home, calling out to me. Why did he do this? I didn't understand at all.

Becca was coming over, she would know what to do, because I did not, not at all.

I sat there, quietly, in the dark, waiting for Becca, but I couldn't stop crying, everytime I thought about him my chest hurt and I cried more, oh god, what was this?

Finally, yelling, Becca was here. She was yelling at him.

"Tippi, I did not cheat on you." Oh god, why would he do that?

Quiet, finally. The closet door opened.

"Oh Tippi." Becca whispered, holding her arms open.

I crawled out into them. "Becca." I was sobbing again.

"What happened, tell me."

"She came over, she, she had his phone." That bitch, I wanted to kill her.

"Why the fuck did she have his phone?"

"Oh Becca, it hurts." I wanted the pain to go away.

"Oh I know sweety and I'm sorry that this is happening to you." Thankgod I had her.

"He left it there, he left it at her house. Why? Why would he do this? I don't understand Becca, he said he loved me." He told me he did and that made the hurt worse.

"I don't know Tippi, I really don't." She kissed my head.

"Why would he convince me to love him, why would he, then do this?"

"Oh honey, who knows, maybe it's just the way he is."

The way he is? Was this a game to him?

There was banging on the door.

"Tell him to go away Becca, I don't ever want to see him again."

"Okay, okay." She stood up and walked out.

I heard the door, I heard Becca, but I didn't know what she was saying.

"This is bullshit, I didn't do it." Him. Why was he lying?

"What are you doing?" That was Becca.

Suddenly my bedroom door burst open, oh god it was him, I couldn't look at him.

"I did not do this Tippi, fuck." He walked over and pulled me into his arm's.

"No, go away." I pushed him, but he had me tight.

"No I'm not because I didn't do anything." Oh why did he have to kiss my face. "Why would I cheat on you? Your everything to me, so why would I do it?"

I started crying harder, I wanted him to go away.

I wished Becca had never taken me to that stupid concert.

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