Signs of... Something - Chapter 5

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As the backdrop fell, pushing the horribly-singing diva to the ground, everyone in stage seemed to be mortified.

"It's the ghost!" a girl cried. "He's trying to attack us!"

"That Buquet imbecile was right!" another one shrieked. "There really is a phantom!"

Even Christine and Meg seemed a little spooked.

As the diva screamed and cried on the floor, you were intent upon finding the perpetrator of this scenario... not because you cared, though.

You just couldn't help but be silently thankful to whoever stopped this woman's horrible screeching. As you began to head back to the stage, ignoring the screams and shrieks of the ballet girls and cast members, you began to try and find whoever had done this.

People sucked up to this diva a little too much for your comfort.

You nearly tripped again as you finally made it to the stage, and although the perpetrator probably wasn't there anymore, you couldn't help but hurry up the stairs to try and catch them. Perhaps they were somewhere in the fly system?

Yet again, it was far too dark for comfort, and you only found the drunk Joseph Buquet screaming to those below about how this was the doings of a ghost. This had probably all happened simply because wasn't at his station. You didn't believe in ghosts - much less, one who would ruin the backdrops because he had nothing better to do.

As he yelled at the managers below, his yellow teeth showing with each word that he spat, you realized that the entirety presence made him uncomfortable, and you quickly decided to leave.

Your footsteps were light (probably because you still weren't wearing shoes), and you nearly made it back to the staircase before you heard the diva throw a tantrum.

She began ranting about how the new managers didn't know how to run an opera house (even though she didn't seem to know how to do her job as a singer well either), and you only rolled you eyes before you began back downstairs.

However, before you could go down any further, you noticed a piece of fabric caught on something upon the wall.

How did that get there?

That was definitely peculiar...

You glanced around to see if anyone was watching, but once you realized that everyone was preoccupied by someone singing that same song the diva had from below, you knew that you should be okay.

Who was singing, though? She had quite a lovely voice...

As you yanked the piece of fabric from out of the wall, you nearly collapsed down the stairs, although you caught yourself before you did so.

The fabric felt vaguely familiar... However, your moment of thought was short-lived, as the room burst into a thunderous applause.

You quickly tucked the fabric into your hand before quickly finishing your travel down the stairs, soon looking to congratulate whoever had done so beautifully on their solo.

You soon found yourself in the sea of cast members who were, yet again, gossiping about the new talent. What a surprise.

"Wasn't she amazing?" you heard someone say. When someone placed a hand on your shoulder, you jumped a little, although you turned around to see Meg and Christine.

The Daaé girl wore a modest blush.

"It was nothing, Meg," she said with a small smile, staring down at the floor.

"Christine, it truly was beautiful," you nodded, a grin on your face.

"Yes. He will be very pleased with you," a voice said. All three of your heads whipped around to see Madame Giry, who held an arm out to Christine. "Come, now... It's time to talk with the managers."

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