Chapter 10.

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A small voice, I almost thought I was imagining it... I knew I wasn't. Partly subconscious, I followed the voice. It was claiming to be hurt and that it needed help; it sounded oddly familiar but my mind blanked the sense that this was a bad idea. I came across a wall of sharp, painful leaves. Of course, I was dumb enough to move them. With my eyes closed, I cut my hands and a small fraction of my arms. I ignored the blood that I didn't know was there at first until it start dripping onto the ground and hit my feet. I muttered a curse word under my breath but continued to trail forwards. I made it it to the area where the voice was now screaming. I opened my eyes and gasped, taken back. For a second, I though I saw Liy. I blinked and she was gone. She appeared to be so broken, so empty. She was just stood there, her switch flipped.
No. She wasn't there. She couldn't have escaped EXIT... could she?
"Don't think about it. Get back, tell the... others." my plan was replaced with the theory of Liy being the cause of everything. "No..." I silently screamed. I ran back through the wall of bristles and through the concrete that was blocking me from getting back to where I had woken. I glanced back, highly confused. "Did I just run through... concrete?" I inquired aloud.
I didn't let the temptation of my safe zone lure me to stay - what if it was another one of Liy's traps? I sprinted back to the original location, screaming that I'd figured it out over and over again. I was surprised to see that my whole team was there too. They fixed their confused gazes on me. "Liy?" they chorused.
"Mhm." I scraped the blood off of my palms.
So, we'd all experienced the same thing?
We'd all came to the same conclusion?
Liy was the one behind this all.

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