Chapter 12.

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It'd been a while since anybody hand spoke. The first words were uttered by Pen, suggesting that we get Black Hole to suck Liy up. "B-But... Liy's a person! We can't just kill her off! I had a friendship with her... and-" I ended my sentence there, due to Tree putting a finger over my mouth, hushing me. "Look, Remote, you might be a little different to the rest of us, but you know well and clear what Liy did. We can't just blank that. I'm sorry, but we have to do what we must do." Something about the way he spoke to me hit me. Ah, my metaphoric heart pounds for his innocence. The way he tries to control my choices and convince me to end my best friend's existence... it's just... so... pure. I giggled at the way he tried to change my mind. "Is something funny?" Tree's eyes silenced me.
"No." I lied, then walking away. I don't understand, how could they want to end my best friend? Perhaps she could end her ways and everything would be fine. She'd do that, wouldn't she? Or maybe not. And then the thought hit me harder than the world itself. Liy could've been broken herself. What if she couldn't help what she was doing? Of course, I wasn't aware that I was wrong, at the time. I began to hear heavy breathing that transitioned into gasping for air. I then heard Liy's voice telling me that she was trapped in a paracosmic world. I ignored her, at the time thinking it was a lie, which it was; she was trying to get to me... and I refused to let that happen - my goal was to prevent it. Once I'd calmed down, I made my way to my team, who were kindly starting at me. I could tell they were apologetic for offending me and I, obviously, forgave them... because, well, where would I be without them?
Night fell. Oh gosh. Well, here we are. Waiting for Liy. I thought that this was a bad idea. She never ended up coming. I fell asleep at an early time, just after Pillow. When I awoke, I was alone. Well, not exactly. No teammates. Just Liy. She was towering over me. I placed a hand to my head, rubbing it, along with my eyes that helped me see a very blurry sight. "L-Liy, you know... know about their plan, don't... don't y-you?" I yawned, still half asleep. "I- uh, what... what happened? Where am... am I?"
My best friend just smiled at me and held out her hand. Should I take it?

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