Chapter 2

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Arisa POV


The bell had gone and class had ended. It wasn't too bad either, L was actually talking to me, you know instead of just nodding. So I guess I judged him too quick...

After class it was time for lunch. I followed L to the Cafeteria but couldn't help feeling nervous. I mean who wouldn't feel nervous walking down the hall with an idol while receiving around 50 death stares. More importantly, I don't know anyone here! I can't keep following him around...


"Guys! This is Arisa, the new girl" he introduced me to the other members of Infinite. I nodded at them all slightly and stood there awkwardly.

"The new girl?" They all repeated simultaneously. New girl. I guess I'm going to be stuck with that for a while.

Woohyun stood up and came closer to me "yeppeuda..." He whispered softly, making me blush and turn bright red.

"Hyung you're scaring her" Sungjong shouted sweetly. I smiled politely to show that I was okay but in reality I was just feeling very awkward.

A few girls walked past and one of them clung onto L "Oppa!..." She said while the other girls watched on in jealousy. She looked familiar though...

She stopped and looked at me "Who are you again?" She asked in a slightly annoying voice. Oh! It's the girl from earlier, Ha Na? She stared at me, waiting for a reply. "I'm Arisa" I smiled at her but she was obviously in a bitchy mood.

"Ah new girl" she replied. New girl. Seriously, I hate that phrase. She gave me a fake smile and looked back at L. "Oppa, you said that we could..." But before she could finish her sentence he pulled himself away from her.

"Yah! Give some space to breathe" he rolled his eyes and walked away, soon to be followed by Ha Na and the rest of the girls.

Wait. What about me? I need him to show me where my next class is! Great. Yeah, leave new girl.

I turned around slowly only to be greeted by 6 smiles. "Don't worry, he'll be back before we go to class" one of them said. I nodded and noticed that people were starting to stare at me. I suppose it isn't the best idea to be talking to such popular guys.

"I'm going to go and get a drink..." I pointed to the far corner where the vending machine was.

I need to get out of here.


I walked over to the vending machine and dug out some change from my pocket. "Diet coke" I whispered as I inserted my coins.

Nothing came out. Fuck. Just then a tall and handsome guy walked past and kicked the machine, he then bent down and picked up the Coke and handed it to me.

"Sorry the machine's faulty" he smiled. I swear are all the guys at this school so insanely good looking? I blinked at him a few times before muttering a simple "Thank you".

He stared at me for a while before the corners of his mouth turned to form a warm smile. "I'm Luhan by the way". 'He's cute' I thought to myself.

"Oh my name's Arisa..." I reply while trying to recreate the same warm smile that he had.

"Arisa? Hmm how about I call you...Ari?" He suggested it in a way which made me feel all warm inside.

"Okay" I nodded at him, he was so cute that it was hard not to just smile. I looked back at the other members of Infinite who were staring at me. ''Anyways, it was nice to meet you. I should get back...'' I mumbled. I didn't want to go, I'd much rather prefer talking to him.

"Oh, sure I'll see you around then...Ari'' He waved and with that he left. Guess I'll have to go back to the others and wait for L, if he even comes back for me.

When I got back to the others they were completely silent. Did I do something wrong? The silence became unbearable and I had to break it. ''Err...So when will...'' Luckily the bell went and I was saved from any further awkwardness. But where's L?

''He's probably forgotton...I'll take you since I'm in the same class...'' Woohyun politely suggested, which was good considering the fact that I'd probably get lost if I had to go on my own.

''I see you've met Luhan'' He said casually. I smiled as soon as I heard his name which he obviously had caught.

''Yeah, he seems nice...'' I smile again. He looked at me and shook his head slightly. ''Yeah I suppose he does 'seem nice''' He whispered it but it was clear enough for me to hear. ''Isn't he?'' I ask curiously. What does he mean 'seems nice'?

He paused for a while, I could tell that he was thinking about it carefully. ''Well...look you're new here, so yeah everyone will seem nice but...just be careful''

I repeated his words after him ''Just be careful?''. He laughed straight after I said it. ''You're really innocent'' he said with a sweet smile.

Be careful about what?


I looked around the classroom for somewhere to sit. The worst thing about being new is that you don't have someone who'll stick with you.

Woohyun leaned closer towards me "sit next to me" he whispered which caused an unusual feeling inside. I sat next to him and watched as L walked in with Ha Na.

Yeah thanks for helping me around, little prick.

He looked at me for a few seconds and then walked to the other side of the classroom.

Why do I feel as though I deserve some sort of explanation? It's not as if he was responsible for helping me all day.

Woohyun glanced at me and nudged me slightly. "I'm guessing you're the quiet type?" He whispered

Is it possible for all the guys in this school to be so cute and handsome?

I shook my head and smiled "No I've just got a lot on my mind" I lied. He nodded as a way of showing kindness.

"Ah I get it, if you need anything ask me okay?" He said.

"Neh..." I replied which made him laugh. I don't get it. Why do people here keep laughing after everything I say?

I noticed L look at me. What's his problem?


L/Myungsoo POV-

I could hear Arisa and hyung laughing...they sound like they were having fun. I look over at them and notice Arisa staring right back at me with her cute doe like eyes. I should have waited for her, I was supposed to anyways.

Ha Na clicks her fingers in front of my face. "Yah!...why won't you listen?" She asked.

Honestly I pretty much zoned out after listening to her for about 2 minutes. I don't understand why she keeps following me, it gets annoying.

It's not like we're dating and it's not like I've ever led her on either, but she doesn't seem to get it.

"Yah...who are you thinking so deeply about?" She asked as her voice grew more irritating.

"No one." I replied simply.

"Come on, is it a girl?" She asked.

Damn it, she's persistent.

"Ani and if I was thinking about a girl then what's it to you?" I said it coldly without realising it.

She frowned and turned around. I looked back at Arisa one last time and sighed.

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