Chapter 3

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School had finally ended. Finally. It wasn't such a long walk home, but the fact that I had to walk home alone made me feel all crap inside.

"Ari! Ari-ah!" I could hear a familiar voice coming after me. Luhan?

I turned around and watched as he ran towards me. "Were you shouting after me?" Stupid question. Why did I ask such a stupid question?

A smile swept across his face "yeah I thought I'd walk home with you since we're going in the same direction...I think" he was so cute.

"Ah okay" I said quietly as I remembered what Woohyun had told me.'Be careful'...I'd better listen then since I am the new kid here.

"So your first day, how was it?" He asked. How was it?

"Different...things here are just different to everything back in England" I said, trying not to bore him too much.

He nodded and looked at me "so you don't like it?" He asked

I thought hard about that. Do I like it? Apart from being a complete loner in a different country away from my family and friends, I suppose it's not so bad...

"Yeah it's not too bad" I say causing him to laugh.

"One day, I'd like to go there you know with the guys" he said while looking right at me.

I looked at him with a confused expression. "The guys?" I questioned.

His eyes widened slightly and a smile once again appeared on his face. "Oh I meant Exo, I guess we're not that popular in the UK" he laughed

Exo. Did I really forget? I mean how many other Luhans do I know? I'm a complete idiot.

"Oh!! Sorry, I think I'm really out of it, yeah you guys are really popular there...I just forgot everything" I stuttered. Idiot. Arisa you idiot.

"Luhan I'm sorry" I blurted out only to hear a gasp.

"Did you just call me 'Luhan'?" He asked, I nodded at him and after about 5 seconds it hit me. I'm in Korea not England, I can't just call people by their first names.

My eyes widened and I shook my head "Oh my god, I'm sorry...I keep forgetting where I am" he laughed and then shook his head

"No I get it haha...why don't you just call me oppa?" He said in a cute tone

Oppa? Wow that was quick...

"Are you sure?..." I ask unsure whether he was joking or being serious. He smiled and nodded.

"Erm...okay Luhan oppa?" I said it quietly feeling quite embarrassed. I haven't called someone 'oppa' in a long time.

He laughed and ruffled my hair. "Cute" he said, causing my cheeks to turn bright red.

A few girls on the other side of the street looked over at us, I noticed this and moved slightly so that his hand would move.

"Who's that slut" one of them yelled which caught Luhans att- I mean Luhan oppas attention.

He turned back and whispered "ignore them".

It was hard to ignore them since they were walking in the same direction. It got worse as we passed another high school.

"Oppa!" Girls shouted from different directions. Luhan oppa only gave them a few subtle glances but that was enough to make them scream.

''Ari-ah, I'll see you tomorrow okay?'' He smiled at me . Wait, is he leaving me? I nodded while trying to hide my disappointment. "I'll see you tomorrow...oppa" I replied. He waved and turned round the corner of the street, leaving me stood there on my own.

I walked the rest of the way on my own luckily, the girls from earlier had disappeared.

"You're home" Ji Eun unnie greeted me as soon as I stepped into the house.

"Neh Unnie" I replied. She smiled at me as she noticed how exhausted I was.

Ji Eun unnie isn't my real sister, she's actually the daughter of a close family friend. But after her parents died, Eomma let her stay with us since she has no other family. But she's the only person that I can talk to and is the only person that understands me, I don't think I'd get anywhere without her if I'm honest.

"What about Mum?" I asked her as I drop my school bag to the ground. "Work" she replied

"And Dad?" I asked, even though I new the answer which was obviously "work" which she repeated.

I sighed heavily which she noticed. "You know how hard they work..." She said quietly.

Yeah, I know. I don't think I can forget considering the fact that I never see them anyways. But their excuse never fails to annoy me. "We work hard and it's all for you, how many other kids can say that they are the heirs to a million dollar company" it's this pathetic excuse which has been continuously drilled into my head, how many other kids can say that? About every kid in pretty much every Korean drama going. But it's not enough for me to be the heir to the company, no in order for me to be perfect I have to move into another bloody continent and live there for the 'sake of my future'

Ji Eun unnie knew exactly what was going through my head and tried to change the topic.

"Ari-ah, don't think about it too much...why don't you go out for a bit?" She suggested. I nodded and got up.

Anything to stop thinking about my messed up family.


I changed into my black skinny jeans and a loose cropped top. It was warm outside, perfect for clearing my head.

I'll protect you(Infinite+Exo)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora