Part 3: Overprotective brother

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//The art was once again, made by me!//

//Aaron's POV//

I was shocked to find that i was alone when i woke up.... Well not really alone, alone. Aphmau was there, having a huge grin on her face. I was just shocked that Zane wasn't here. ''Morning lover boy~'' Aphmau said, looking at me. I looked at her a bit confused. ''What do you mean by that Aph?'' I asked her, wanting to know what she was grinning about. ''I mean, you and Zane were sleeping so close together~ If i didn't know any better, i would think you were dating~'' She said. My face turned red when she said that.

 ''APHMAU!!!!!!!!!!!'' I yelled at her. She began to laugh. ''Awww Aaron, come on, i was just joking!'' She said. ''I don't think it's funny at all.....'' I muttered out. She laughed a little bit more. ''It is kinda funny, now let's go. Kawaii~Chan has made breakfeast.'' She said. I let out a sigh and got up, and followed Aphmau downstairs.

Downstairs in the kitchen, sat Garroth, Kawaii~Chan and Zane. I sat down next to Zane. He was currently eating his food. The others were chatting as they eat. I quickly began to eat my own. After a while Zane finished his and got up. He said he had to leave so that he won't be late to work and we all nodded and said goodbye.

As soon as he left, Garroth turned to look at me. ''So Aaron....... What did you and my baby brother do when you were alone?'' He asked. ''W-We were just sleeping! Nothing else! I promise!'' I yelled. It wasn't like Garroth would believe me, i remember that one time where he thought Dante and Vylad were dating when they weren't and how neither of them could chase his mind about it. ''I don't believe you, stay away from my baby brother!'' He said, as he got all up in my face. ''Hey, you can't control who your brother hangs out with.'' I told him.  That only made him more pissed off. ''Hey no fighting in the house Garroth~Kun! You'll just break stuff again!'' Kawaii~Chan yelled as she pushed him away from me. Aphmau walked up to me and whispered into my ears: ''You better go before Garroth gets free....'' I nodded my head and quickly returned to my home.

//Zane's POV//

Garroth had invited me over for some 'brotherly bonding' time but i knew that there was something else to it. There was always something more to it. I slowly made my way towards his house. I knocked on the door and it was quickly opened by Garroth. He gave me a quick smile and pulled me in for a hug. I let out a sigh and just allowed it to happend. He then took me into the living room, where he had gotten a lot of snacks... and cupcakes ready..... Yeah, something was up, Garroth might be nice, but not this nice. 

I turned around to face him and asked: ''Garroth, what's this about? I can tell that it's not just brotherly bonding time..... and don't lie to me.'' He let out a sigh and forced me to sit down on the couch, before sitting down next to him. ''Baby bro, we need to talk about you and Aaron...'' That just left me there, confused as hell. There was really nothing between Aaron and I, we barely even talked. ''Now i don't want to be rude but... i don't want you to be near him Zane. You are too young to be in that kind of relationship..'' Oh my Irene, did he really think that Aaron and I were a-a-a-a couple? And how dare he think he has any right to say when and when not i can date! ''Garroth! Aaron and I are barely friends, nowhere near being a couple!'' I told him. He tried to mutter out a ''but.'', i stopped before he could contiune. ''And another thing, you have no say in who i date or when i date. Got it?'' Before he could answer, i got up and left. Oh man was i pissed off..... 

On my way back to my house, i bumped into Aaron. ''O-Oh sorry Zane, didn't see you there.'' He said as he looked at me. ''It's fine....'' I muttered out, sounding annoyed. He must have noticed that as he asked: ''Are you alright Zane? Something seems off.'' I let out a sigh. Should i tell him? It might be a good idea as Garroth is definitely going to go after Aaron. ''It's just.... Garroth think you and I are dating! And he tried to control who i date and when i date!'' I said. Aaron let out a sigh. ''Well i figured that was the case. He did tell me to stay away from you after you left the girls's house this morning.'' So he had already threaten Aaron..... Great, just great. ''But i told him that he couldn't control who you hang out with, even if he means well....'' That made me look at Aaron. He had told Garroth off? That's very brave of anyone to do when the topic involdes me or Vylad. 

''T-Thanks.....''I muttered out, blushing a little behind my mask. ''You're welcome.'' He said before chuckling a little bit. ''Oh and if you're not busy or anything. Would you like to hang out? I think it would be a good idea to get to know each other, before Aphmau forces us to...'' That made me chuckle a little bit, he was so right that with Aphmau.  ''Sure, i have nothing else to do...'' I said. Aaron then grabbed onto my arm and we went towards his house.

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