Part 8: The stalker

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//Zane's POV//

I had peace for a good while, just enjoying my time with Aphmau and Aaron, when suddenly i heard a loud bang and once i turned around to look, there was a door, laying on the floor and a very worried-looking Garroth was standing there. Oh great..... he knows now.... ''BABY BROTHER!'' He yelled out as he ran towards me. Aphmau and Aaron were just able to get out of the way before he tackled me to the ground and hugged me tight.
"Garroth, you have to the count of five to let go of me... or else..." I told him before counting down. He didn't let go before i finished counting, so i pushed him to the ground. He just looked at me from the ground with a hurt look on his face. I simply rolled my eyes at him. I did warn him and it was his own fault.
As it turned out, Aaron had called Laurence and gotten him to telm Garroth (as well as the others) about the whole stalker business.... i was a little upset about it but i knew Aaron meant well...... and it would be safer for me if more people knew, because then they could protect me if it ever came to it.

Garroth, Aaron and Aphmau began to make a schedule of who takes me to work and who picks me from work for the whole week, so i won't have to walk by myself and get attacked or kidnapped by the stalker. I wasn't too happy about the whole idea but i knew it was for the best.... and that i won't be able to change any of their minds, no matter how hard i try.

They finally came up with a schedule after a long time of planning it. Aphmau would take me there on Mondays and Tuesdays, Aaron would take me there Wedensdays and Thursdays, Garroth would take me there Fridays and Satuardays and Sunday was my day off anyways. This plan was going to start next week, so untill then, Aaron would take me there, as he was the strongest and scariest looking out of those three. Aphmau and Garroth said goodbye and left to do whatever it is that they were doing during the day.

Aaron and I enjoyed the time there was until i had to go to work. Aaron held my hand the whole way, and i couldn't help but blush under my mask. How else was i supossed to react to the guy i have a HUGE crush on, holding my hand? I didn't even notice if anyone was looking as we walked to the cafe. Once we had gotten there, he let go of my hand, and told me to call him if anything happend, he would pick it up even if he was busy with something else, because in his words, my safety was more important. Again, my face turned red behind the mask. We said our goodbyes and he left.

The day at work went like it usually did..... well almost. There was this one guy who stayed at the cafe, longer then anyone else. He had come in around the time that my shift had started and he would look at me while i worked and looked away when i turned to look at him. I had a very bad feeling that he might be my very creepy stalker. Why else would he be here so long? Even those people who clearly didn't have a life, didn't stay that long! And i couldn't tell what he looked at as he had a hoodie that covered his face

After a few more hours of having to deal with the creepy guy, my shift finally ended and i rushed to change my clothing and text Aaron about the fact that i was pretty sure that my stalker was there. As i left the buidling through the backdoor that lead to alley, i was texting him, but before i could send it, i was pushed against the nearby building's wall. ''Finally.....'' Said the person in front of me. ''It was so hard to get passed that stupid Alpha, that airheaded girl and the dumb blonde. But now we are all alone. Have you missed me Zane? Because i have missed you.'' I looked up and was shocked to be staring into a pair of silver eyes.... I now knew fully well who my stalker was.... The werewolf called Ein from Phoniex Drop High.....

//So sorry for the slow update, i just haven't been in the mood to write lately ;.;//

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