Part 9: Back off!

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                                                                                       Zane's POV

I really didn't what was going on right now. I can still clearly remember all the bullshit that Ein back during high school. Stuff that i rather not think about. I had thought that as soon as high school was over, i would never even have to fear that i would run into him again. I have the worst fucking luck, huh?

''Missed you? There is no way in nether that i would miss you.... You know what you did.''' I said, slowly reaching for my phone to send a text to either Aph, Garroth or Aaron, i needed one of them to come kick Ein's butt.

''Awww don't be like that, ZuZu~ You can't hold the past against me like that, it's not fair~'' Ein said with a fake, sad look on his face. I didn't care if it was 'fair' or not..... He could never live down what happend back then. I glanced at my phone for a moment as i simply typed: 'Help me, At Work, Stalker'. The contact name was for Aaron, so i quickly pressed send and put my phone away so that Ein didn't see it . ''I can hold it against you as much as i want. You deserve no pity.'' I told him as i looked him in the eyes. I was trying my best to not act like i was scared. ''Ah that hurt my feelings Zane.... I see that your behavior has gotten worse... I'll need to 'train' you again...'' He said as he got a little closer to me. 

I began to panic when he said that word. I knew very well what he meant by 'train' and it wasn't pretty. ''T-That's not happening Ein. Not in this life or the next..'' I said as i  pushed him away. I just hoped Aaron would get here soon, i didn't like to be alone with this.... this monster. ''You keep hurting my feelings, ZuZu.... I don't like that.... you need to behave.'' He said, clearly getting angrier by the minute. That wasn't good.

Please hurry up Aaron.....

                                                                                       Aaron's POV

I was sitting in my living room, watching tv when i suddenly got two text from Zane. I wondered why he would send something that late.... I opened to read the texts. The first one said that he was pretty sure his stalker was at his work place and the next one was a call for help. I rushed up, got my shoes and rushed towards his work place. I couldn't leave Zane alone with his creep for long.... He could get hurt.

I got to the place pretty quickly and went down the alley to the backdoor that Zane used. And that's when i spot not only Zane but someone i never wanted to see in my life again. I couldn't help but get even more pissed off. Of course Ein would be Zane's stalker, he is the only crazy enough to do something like that. As soon as i got to them, i pushed Ein to the ground and wrapped my arms around Zane. ''BACK OFF, EIN!'' I told him as i kept my eyes on him.  ''Oh great... you're here...'' He said as he quickly got off. ''Why do you always have to ruin EVERYTHING?'' He seemed to pretty angry already.... i guess it was because Zane kept rejecting him.  

''I don't have any problem ruining whatever you had planned.... Now fuck off before i call the police..'' I told him, keeping my eyes on him the whole time. One wrong move and he would get punched in the face. ''....This won't be the last time either of you see me.... I will reclaim what is mine...'' He said before rushing off into the night. I let out a sigh of relief.  I looked down at Zane. ''Are you okay?''

                                                                                       Zane's POV

I know he was only doing it to protect me, but i couldn't help but blush hard as he had his arms around me. I had completely forgotten that my psycho ex-boyfriend was here and that Aaron was currently telling him to f off. It was only when i heard Aaron say my name that i snapped out of it. ''W-What?'' I asked, as i didn't really hear what he had said.  ''I asked if you were okay, Zane.'' He said as he looked me in the eyes. ''I am now that you're here...'' I muttered before covering my mouth. I-I didn't mean to let that out! He most think i'm weird. ''W-Well i am glad that you feel that safe with me around.'' He said, giving me a smile. ''Now let's get you home... You can stay with me if you want... or i can call Aph or Garroth to come over to your house.''

As much as i wanted to say that i wanted to spendt the night at his place, i didn't want to bother him much more today. ''L-Let's call Aph for tonight. I could really use some time around her.'' I told him. To that, he just nodded and began to call Aphmau while we began to walk home. The whole way back, he kept an arm around me, which only made me blush even more.

Once we got back to Mystreet,  Aphmau was waiting outside Aaron's house with her stuff. She rushed over and gave me a big hug, which i happily returned. We both said good night to Aaron and went to my place. Aph was very hyped about having a sleep over for just the two of us, since it had been a good while. I was just happy that i didn't have to sleep alone tonight.

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