im not short!

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I smiled as I walked up to my highschool a few people waved at me I smiled. I was dressed up in a light blue long sleeve and white pants the blue long sleeve was a bit baggy I kept having to pull it up because it kept falling off my shoulders. I walked into the school i went to my locker I took off my backpack I grabbed my art book and music journal I quickly shoved them into my bag. I put my backpack back on I started walking down the busy hall bumping into a few people on accident. Luckily No one really noticed I was getting close to my first class which was art. I squeaked when I was suddenly knocked down I land on my butt I slightly whimpered that hurt. I quickly got up I looked at who knocked me over I glared at them it was jonah. I spoke "watch where your going!" A few people looked suprised I was never mean or raised my voice so this was a bit unordinary. Jonah laughed "calm down shortie" I spoke taking a step closer to him "I am not short". Jonah just laughed "yea and corbyns hair is naturally blond" I shook my head I kept walking to the art room. I heard jonah yell "MAKE WAY FOR THE SMALLEST KID IN SCHOOL". I huffed and rolled my eyes I went into the art room alot of the students already sat at there assigned tabel. I went over to my assigned tabel I saw my three friends already sat down I smiled and sat down. I was lucky enough to be sat at a tabel with Daniel, christina and sam everyone said hi when I sat down. This was kinda the outcast tabel but Christina was popular she was dating some guy on the football team named corbyn. I've only talked to the guy once he was ok a bit jealous bit that's ok I'd be a bit jealous if my girlfriend mainly hanged out with guys. I jumped a little when the first bell rang Daniel and Sam both laughed I glared at the two. I heard Christina giggle I looked at her "I thought I could trust you"
Christina spoke "I'm sorry that was adorable" not them as well. I spoke "I swear if any of you call me adorable or cute again I will hit you" Daniel cooed. The second bell rang I put my head down we were only two months into school and I already wanted to quit.

Next period

I smiled as me and Daniel slightly joked around as we practiced are instruments we we're both in orchestra Daniel played cello I played violin. I was going to do cello this year but I couldn't pull myself to stop playing violin even for just one year. The different instruments we're all in they're own groups but Daniel and I liked to hang out together when we practiced. We always made fun of each other when we messed up but neither of us messed up alot. I jumped when Daniel played a wrong note the song was very soft and slow Daniel played a wrong note loud and fast. I spoke "dude come on how" Daniel shrugged "my hand slipped" I rolled my eyes I packed up my instrument and music sheets. We still had alot of class time but we knew the teacher wouldn't mind he knew we always practiced outside of school. Daniel asked "are you going to the game tonight?" I raised a brow "what game". Daniel smiled "the baseball game it's here at seven" I shrugged "not a big sports fan" Daniel Chuckled. I was more confused "Zach I don't like sports either but these games are filled with hot guys" I groaned. Daniel won't stop talking about hot guys when I'm around him I've told him a thousand times I'm stright but he just never listens to me. I spoke "I'm still stright Daniel" Daniel laughed "yea and jacks hair is naturally curly". My eyes went wide my entire life is a lie
Daniel asked "you thought that skaters hair was naturally curly didn't you?" I looked down "y-yea". Daniel patted my back "Zach I thought you learned something after corbyn" I blushed Daniel cooed.

Two periods later

I smiled as I walked into the cafeteria I loved food but school food sucked so I always packed my lunch. I looked around I saw my main trio of friends sitting at a circle tabel I quickly went over to them I sat in between Christina and Daniel. I got out my lunchbox I had a ham sandwich apple and small bag of Cheetos I took a bite of my sandwich. Daniel nudged me and whispered to me "zach how did you get a hot popular guy so interested in you?" I swallowed my bite of sandwich. I asked keeping my voice low "what are you talking about?" Daniel moved his head to the left a little I looked to the left. I almost growled are table was right next to Jonahs tabel and he was staring at me. He was sat with jack, corbyn, mark and Jackson all were fuckboys except corbyn since he was with Christina. Corbyn and Christina are cute together I'm glad he cleaned up his act a bit when they started talking he really loves her and she loves him back. Christina nudged me she spoke not caring about whispering "why's the baseball fuckboy looking at you like your a slice of cake". Daniel spoke "I think he wants you" I sighed "I want to punch him" Sam chuckled "good luck man if you punched him he would definitely knock you out easily he has some strong arms from what I've seen". I shook my head and went back to eating when I finished eating Daniel spoke "dude he really wants you look at his eyes" I glanced at him his expression was softer he looked a bit cuter my friendly. I spoke "he's probably just thinking of jokes about my height or something" Daniel chuckled I glared at him "I'm not even short". Daniel put an arm around me "oh you poor blind child" i groaned everyone at the tabel laughed. I looked at the time we still had ten minutes of lunch left I packed up my stuff. I heard someone sit down at the tabel I looked up it was corbyn he had sat next to Christina "hey come sit with me and the boys". Christina shook her head no "I'm not leaving my friends to go sit with a bunch of fuckboys" Corbyn sighed. I asked "can't you just sit here?" corbyn looked at me I blushed he spoke "sorry shortie but-". I spoke "call me short again and I will throw a brick at you" corbyn chuckled "yea kid whatever like I was saying I have a rep to keep up I shouldn't hang around you guys". Corbyn didn't notice Christina's death glare that she was sending to him he spoke turning to look at Christina "so babe ca-" he saw her glare. Me Daniel and Sam all smirked Christina was very protective over us so when corbyn made fun of us it was always a good show watching her tell him off and him get scared. Corbyn slowly stood up "I'm just going to go.... love you babe" he akwardly waved at Christina he basically ran back to his table. We all slightly laughed I spoke "I think it's obvious who wears the pants in your guy's relationship" Daniel sighed "Christina how did you get a boy like that teach me" I think we all rolled are eyes at Daniel. I asked "can you just stop being desperate for three minutes?" Daniel sighed "when you've been single for three years you get desperate I can't help it". I patted his back "that sucks" the bell suddenly rang I groaned I had to go to gym. I didn't mind gym but I was in the class with most of the sports kids and sadly jonah was in the class. I got up I made my way to the locker room when I got there I went inside. I saw alot of the guys changing I went over to my gym locker I took my bag off my shirt immediately falling off my left shoulder. I opened my locker grabbing my uniform I glanced around a small blush formed on my face when I looked to my left I saw jonah shirtless. I didn't know why I was staring at his chest I just couldn't take my eyes off him. His arms slightly muscular his ch- I snapped my head back to my locker shaking my head I started getting changed I put my outfit into my locker. I ran a hand through my hair I glanced back to my left jonah was now sitting on the bench are eyes locked I quickly looked away I sat at the end of the bench waiting for the coach to tell us what to do why couldn't I take my eyes off him that was weird......

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