i love you

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Hey sorry for the wait I've been taking a step back from writing to relax a bit before school starts back up I'm going to try to get back into writing more frequently

So yea here's chapter 7

Jonahs pov

I sighed as I slightly tapped the steering wheel in my car waiting for Zach to show up. I parked near the area I usually picked him up but I was a bit closer to his house than usual. I turned on some random song by blackpink I leaned back taking in a deep breath I looked in my mirror I could see Zach walking down the sidewalk. I could see him visibly speed up when he got closer I smiled Zach walked around my car to the passenger side. I slightly smirked as I locked the doors as he tried to open one I couldn't help but chuckle as he glared at me. I unlocked the doors he quickly opened the passenger door "you look like an Angry kitten" I joked as I slowly started driving. Zach just rolled his eyes "you look like an ugly great dane" I barley caught the small weird insult I glanced over at Zach "what dose that even mean?" Zach seemed a bit suprised I caught what he said. Zach just slightly shrugged he looked away out the passenger window "it's up for interpretation" I slightly whistled "such big words used by a small person". My face immediately dropped after making that remark I quickly started apologizing "oh my God I am so sorry" I glanced at Zach and quickly back at the road. My eyes kept switching between the two "oh good I'm an idiot that was just an automatic response" I stopped rambling when I heard soft giggling coming from Zach. Zach was giggling! "Jonah calm down" I felt a blush creep up on my face I trained my eyes back onto the road "h-hey stop laughing!". Zach's giggling slowed down I turned off the music Zach let out an annoyed whine I spoke "apologize for laughing at me". Zach spoke "it's not my fault your a mess" I glared at Zach "I swear if you don't apologise your not getting a ride to school for the next week". Zach just rolled his eyes "we both know your lying heck your going to drive me home today aren't you?" I sighed "yea" when I pulled into the parking lot of the school I quickly parked. I stopped the car Zach spoke "welp it was nice talking I already know the drill" Zach was quick to get out the car his head down as he walked away. I quickly got out my car and locked it I quickly speed walked to Zach I just needed to be near him. I tapped Zach's back he stopped walking he turned to look at me I spoke "I w-want to keep talking" Zach gently shook his head no. I frowned Zach tried to walk away nope im not giving up I followed zach, Zach stopped walking again he spoke "jonah go away". I asked "why?" Zach groaned and shook his head he started walking again I smiled and walked with him. Zach once again stopped I slightly bumped into him I wrapped my arms around Zach he spoke "jonah people are looking don't". I slowly let go of Zach "come on zach" the small boy shook his head no and started walking away again I didn't follow.

Zach's pov

I walked over to jack and Daniel the two were standing by the front doors of the school. The two were already looking in my direction when I came over please don't tell me they saw that. Jack was the first to speak "why was jonah following you around like an over grown puppy?" I spoke "he was just annoying me". I sighed when I saw Daniel smirk "Zach I think he likes you" I just rolled my eyes I knew jonah did like me but if Daniel heard that he would freak out. I spoke keeping my voice a bit serious "he doesn't like me and I don't like him we hate each other". Daniel pointed behind me "if he doesn't like you why is he looking at you with heart eyes" I quickly turned around I didn't see jonah I heard Daniel speak "got you". I slightly blushed as I turned back to Daniel and jack I spoke "fuck you" both Daniel and jack smirked oh god what are they thinking. I asked "so you two love birds dating yet?" The two blushed quickly looking away from each other I smirked "you two clearly like each other". I jumped when an arm wrapped around me and started pulling me away from Daniel and jack I looked up I sighed "dammit Christina you scared me what are you doing" she kept dragging me without uttering a single word. I blushed when I relised she was pulling me over to jonah when she stopped she glared at jonah he looked confused. Christina spoke her voice firm "you better stop looking at Zach with heart eyes before a punch you got it?" Jonah looked down at me I blushed he blushed as well. Jonah looked back at Christina "you've essentially just placed a kitten in front of me and told me not to pet it it's impossible he's to cute to ignore". Christina looked at me and back at jonah she sighed "damnit Zach don't tell me you like him" I stuttered as I responded to her "n-no w-way!" Christina just shook her head "ugh I'm going back over to the ultimate gay ship". I looked at jonah he spoke "so... Wanna eat together at lunch" I sighed "jonah why do you insist on being around me all of a sudden?" Jonah blushed he mumbled "I've always wanted to be near you". I slightly shook my head I started walking away from jonah I stopped I sighed I knew I didn't really want to go away from jonah I turned back around "I'll give this a shot come on" I smiled as Jonah's face lit up.

Later that day

I smiled as I sat down at the circle lunch table my friends already all sat down. I slowly took bite of my chicken sandwich god school food sucks I took a look at everyone around me they were all glaring in my direction well except for jack and Daniel they were smirking. I felt a soft tap on my shoulder I slightly turned my body and looked behind me I saw jonah he was holding a tray of school food. I sighed "what?" Jonah smiled "I was wondering if I could eat lunch with you" I looked at everyone at the table Christina and Sam we're glaring at jonah, jack and Daniel were still smirking. I spoke "why don't you go sit with you friends they probably want to talk to you more" jonah spoke "but I want to sit with you". Sam suddenly stood up "go away jonah and leave Zach alone" jonah glared at Sam I gulped i quickly spoke "jonah I'll hang out with you during gym ok?" Jonah smiled and shook his head yes he walked away to his table. I sighed wow he got clingy fast Sam spoke "you better stay away from him" Christina immediately agreed with Sam, Daniel and jack we're quick to argue with them. The two pairs argued back and forth about why or why I shouldn't go near jonah I blushed as daniel spoke "the two clearly like each other I mean come on look at how clingy jonah is zonah is the perfect relationship". I looked away from everyone I looked over at Jonah's table he was talking to his sports friends I honestly wanted to get away from everyone's arguing. I slowly stood up I grabbed my bag and tray I walked over to jonah I slightly tapped his shoulder he slowly turned and looked at me he immediately smiled. I blushed jonah without saying anything scooted to the side a bit I sat next to him I was pushed right up against him. Jonah slightly rubbed my back I looked down a few people at the table whistled jonah kissed the side of my head "love you~" I glared at jonah he just smiled I went back to eating.

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