8 letters 3 relationships

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Corbyns pov

I gulped as I walked up to Christina's front door I didn't tell her I was coming over I wanted to surprise her. I was holding a bouquet of roses and a  bag of Hershey kisses I've never been good at romantic stuff but I know she likes chocolate so hey she'll at least like one thing I give her. My finger hovered over the door bell I closed my eyes as I rang it I quickly opened my eyes I waited when the door started to open I got more nervous. When I saw who opened the door my anxiety went through the roof "h-hello sir is c-Christina here?" Christina's dad looked at me for a few seconds. He spoke "no go away" he slammed the door shut I flinched i sighed her dad didn't like me. I turned around I lowered my head a bit I suddenly heard the door open again I quickly turned around I saw Christina she ran up to me and almost tackled me. I hugged her back she spoke "sorry about me dad he's a bit picky with people I date unless your rich and smart he probably won't like you alot". I rolled my eyes "yea I know you would think after being together for like what two years your dad would be fine with me". Christina just shrugged I looked down at the stuff I was holding I quickly spoke "oh here this is for y-you" Christina took the flowers and chocolate from me she chuckled "you cliche son of a bitch". I saw suprised when she pulled me into a hug I blushed I tightly hugged back I spoke "I love you Christina" I blush as I spoke. Christina pulled away she smiled at me "I love you two corbyn" she kissed me I closed my eyes when she pulled away she spoke "you should probably run my dad might actually kill you if you stay any longer". She didn't need to say more within a few seconds of her saying that I was almost a block away from her house.

Daniels pov

I let out a loud groan "shit jack slow down" jack just chuckled at me and sped up "Holly shit man calm down" I let out a loud whine as jack won another round of Mario Cart. Jack spoke "you know what that means" I blushed I sat up the two of us were just sitting on the ground backs against the couch controllers in hand a box of pockys between us. I spoke "n-no not again please jack" jack sat up he moved me so I was facing him I squeaked when he pinned me down a blush was quick to spread across my face. Jack smirked down at me his legs were on both sides of my waist effectively trapping me below him. One of his hands was firm on my chest jack grabbed the box of pockys "open up Danny boyyy". Jack loved the weird Pocky kissing game thing I found it really embarrassing to do he stuck a Pocky into my mouth I sighed at least he didn't get chocolate. Jack slowly started eating the Pocky getting closer and closer to my face I blushed and closed my eyes. When I felt Jack's lips touch mine I wrapped my arms around his neck jack suddenly pinched my side I opened my mouth to speak he slipped his toung into my mouth and moved it around I blushed when he pulled away from the kiss alot of the Pocky was now in my mouth. I sat up as jack got off me jack spoke "see that wasn't that bad" I just looked down my face still hot from embarrassment. Jack sat back down next to me he ruffled my hair "come on Danny calm down I'm sorry" jack kissed the top of my head I smiled. Jack spoke his words slightly muffeld since his face was still against the top of my head "I Love you so much Daniel" I smiled "I love you two". Jack moved away from me "do you wanna keep playing Mario Cart?" I shook my head no and smirked "I know a game that would be much more fun than Mario Cart"

One hour later

I laughed as jack yelled "WHY THE FUCK ARE THERE SO MANY DAM PIDGEYS" I spoke "you suck at Pokemon babe" jack glared at me "I swear Daniel I will pin you down and make out with you again" I blushed and shut up.

Jonahs pov

A small smile made it's way onto my face as I watched Zach try to reach the top shelf of one of the cabinets in the kitchen. Zach kept slightly hopping up he just barley was unable to grabbed bag of marshmallows I could hear the small boy whine. I walked into the kitchen I walked up behind zach I reached over him and grabbed the marshmallows off the top shelf my body was against Zach he completely froze. I took a chance and kissed the top of his head I placed the bag in his right hand he immediately dropped it I back hugged zach. I nuzzled my face against his neck "baby calm down it's just JoJo" Zach blushed "I d-don't call you that" I slightly chuckled "yea sure and you haven't called me jo-bear while you forcefully cuddled with me" . Zach was silent before he whispered "I thought you wanted to cuddle" I rolled my eyes "Zach I kept telling you I had homework to do but you wouldn't let go of me" Zach lowered his head. I let go of him I quickly grabbed the marshmallows I opened the bag and took one out they were jumbo marshmallows. I smiled "Zach open your mouth" Zach looked at me he slightly opened his mouth when he saw I was holding a marshmallow I quickly fed Zach the treat he smiled as he chewed it. I picked up Zach his legs wrapped around my waist I had a hand under his butt and one on his back to make sure he secure. I handed him the bag of marshmallows he slowly started eating more I chuckled Zach's cheeks were puffed out I spoke "z you need to slow down you look like a chipmunk" Zach looked at me a blush slowly forming across his face his eyes wide he looked adorable. I whispered "oh my God your adorable I love you" zach smiled his cheeks still stuffed with marshmallow he swallowed the marshmallow he whispered "I love you too jonah" I smirked "could you say that louder babe I couldn't hear you" Zach hid his face in my chest i spoke "come on I want to hear you say it again" . Zach slowly moved his head back looking me in the eyes "I l-love you" I spoke "ah no stuttering" Zach glared at me. I was shocked when Zach suddenly kissed me it only lasted a few seconds but fuck it was good I spoke "I love you" Zach giggled "yea I can tell". I kissed Zach I gently pushed him against a wall to support him better he pulled away a few seconds into the kiss. Zach put a hand on my chest "c-can we stop I d-don't" I immediately put Zach down "sorry Zach of course I'll stop I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable" Zach shrugged "it's fine Jonah calm down". I could have sworn I felt my heart explode when Zach gently kissed my  cheek I smiled.

im not small! जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें