Chapter 1

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I was in a hospital, my heart beating fast, fear overwhelming my very body. I was sure that someone was after me. It was night time, and there was some calm entity next to me, someone who claimed they were "helping" me.

We were walking somewhere, no one had told me where. There was a part of me that thought that they were lurring me to my own death.

I looked in front of me where there was a clear door and a guy in a black hood. The only thing that you could see on his face was the fact that his eyes were red, and glowing. There was evil laughing ringing in my ears, and the person pointed a finger at me.

I then screamed at the top of my lungs, and I felt my heart stop. I went limp and fell on the cold floor. Everything then went into a black nothingness.

"Casey, wake the hell up! There is someone at the door!" Mother yelled, and I opened my eyes my heart beating and cold sweat going down my face.

"What?" I asked, sitting up and looking at my Mother who looked scared, standing at my doorway.

Knock, knock!

I rolled my eyes and got up, yawning.

"Get the hell to the door!" Mother yelled.

"I just got the hell up. Calm your little butt down." I replied, walking near my Mother who looked both angry and afraid. If anyone ever calls in the middle of the night, let alone comes to the door she does this.

My Mother has always been weird, unfortunately too weird for anyone's liking.

I left my room and walked as quickly down the stairs and to the living room as much as possible.My Mother walked slowly behind, in case something went wrong.

Knock! Knock!

I got to the door and opened it up to see that there was my Mother's friend Hailey, panic and sadness in her face. Something must be seriously wrong for her to be here at this time of night. She looked at me and tried her best to give me a reassuring smile.

"Good evening." I said, and Hailey nodded.

"What brings you here?" Mother demanded, and Hailey looked at her, and sighed to herself.

"I have some news for your Mother." Hailey explained, and I nodded.

"Well come in then. If there is anything that you need then I will be in the living room or the kitchen." I said, letting Hailey in. Mother watched Hailey, seeing if she'd make a move.

Hailey might have been one of Mother's closest friends, but at night it didn't matter who came at the door, she was super paranoid. I have always guessed that something or whatever happened to her when she was younger, but it was something that I never thought about.

I then turned the lights on in the living room and sat on one of the two black leather sofas in the living room, and watched as Mother sat across from me, and Hailey sitting next to me.

"Well?" Mother asked, and Hailey took a deep breath.

"Less than a half hour your close friend Ray Bennett passed away from a heart attack at the hospital. I was there... when it happened." Hailey said, and Mother gasped.

"You must be kidding me! Tell me you were kidding me!" Mother screamed, and Hailey leaned back as far as she could in her seat as possible.

"Unfortunately Beth, I'm not. I was there when he died, the hospital has proof of it too. If you want we can go there and....." Hailey started, when Mother burst suddenly into tears.

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