Chapter 4

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Lucius stared at his reflection in a broken vanity mirror inside an abandoned house. The moonlight shone across his face, a face that looked as unfamiliar as everything right now. He knew he had to remember who he was, or maybe who he used to be. Since of the chaos of earlier today, he certainly hadn't been able to do so.

He closed his eyes, and began to try to go into the back of his mind and try to remember something.

First came the emotion of hatred, and pain and regret. He didn't know what he regrettted though, but those thoughts were soon blocked as other parts of the recent past came.

There was physical pain, certainly physical pain. There was terrible pain in his shoulder, as if someone had shot him. There was weakness from lack of food and sleep. One other emotion was apparent, yet he had never felt it, there was no name that he could give it.

Opening his eyes, he began to hallucinate and remember everything from day one. He remembered all of the happiness, the sadness, why all of this happened.

Soon it all ended, and he saw his relfection once again. One more final emotion came into him, consumed him almost. Revenge.

He then smirked at his reflection, knowing what he had to do, and exactly how he was going to do it.

Earlier that day......

I laid against the door of the car, wanting to crawl into fetal position and wait for either sleep, death, or the pain to go away. Somehow, I had woken up with a terrible dizzy spell that led me to almost falling down the stairs, getting a mirgaine, constant cramps, and throwing up more than three times.

I felt the car turn, and suddenly come to a hault, sending me right into the driver's seat. My stomach cramped up, and whatever remained in my stomach was threatening to come out.

"What the hell!?" Hailey snapped, and I out of curiousity opened my eyes, and saw that there were people everywhere. They were walking around in chaos and confusion, some of them even having gowns on, as if they were patients in the hospital.

"Hailey... why are there......" I had started before Hailey got out and stormed into the crowd of people.

Looking around more, there were police cars and other cars scattered everywhere, as if the lines in the parking lot did not exist. From what I could see there was yellow tape around the hospital, and people rushing in and out of there.

Too confused to care, I closed my eyes and laid my head against the glass on the door, happy that my stomach had decided to stop bothering me.

Yet as everything began to calm down everything soon became encased in chaos once again.

There were soon things sounding as if they were going at stop speed going through the parking lot and stopping abruptly.

Opening my eyes out of annoyance and curiousity I saw that there were people stampeding out of vans with satelites on them and logos of different news corporations on them. There were only two that I recognized. One of them was the local news station, and the other was Fox News (my Mother calls them "the little brainless idiots" even though I highly disagree with that statement).

There were then people yelling, equipment smacking against the group, loud microphones making sounds and making my head throb even more. I moaned unhappily and closed my eyes, slouching against my seat in the car.

Trying to see if there was anything from this choas I tried to hear what they were talking about, let alone if itwas important. Obviously this was important enough.

From this though, I literally got nowhere. The only words I could make out were "insane genderless person" and "lockdown". It sounded like either a major misunderstanding or something that will be the basis off of every new horror story for the next decade.

"Kaitlyn, what happened? If you say the person was a teenager it should have been easy to get this person contained, or at least controlled." Someone familiar said, and I opened my eyes again to see Hailey and some other person walking to the car. Hailey looked pissed and confused, the other person who from what I guessed had the name Kaitlyn looked ashamed and scared.

"B-but the person was insane. As I-I told you the person beat up Henry and ran. We-we couldn't do anything." Kaitlyn said in a distressed voice and Hailey sighed, getting back inside the car.

Kaitlyn joined in, and Hailey started the car.

"Casey, we are going to have to go somewhere else to get you checked out, something has happened." Hailey said.

"What?" I asked, closing my eyes again.

"Kaitlyn, you explain it." Hailey said, as I felt the car back out.

"Well, earlier today as an ambulance was going something, I can't remember what they saw this person having convulsions in a small ditch in the road. Worried, they got the person on a stretcher and brought them to the hospital. They checked for an identification or anything and there wasn't anything they could tell. Somehow too.... they couldn't tell the gender. The person barely stable, we put them into a room, and the person was asleep for a half hour. When they woke up they looked freaked out. We tried to ask the person questions, and they were too petrified to answer. Then one of the people tried to touch the person and they screamed, decked the person and ran. Since then since the person could so something deadly we have had the place on lockdown."  Kaitlyn explained, and I nodded.

For the rest of the ride to whatever hospital or whatever we were going to I closed my eyes. Hailey and Kaitlyn were talking about hospital stuff, and I couldn't keep my mind off of what Kaitlyn had said happened.

There was a person convulsing in a ditch. In the nightmare that I said there was someone being pushed into a ditch. The thought of them being connected made me shiver, and that made my stomach cramp up. I groaned in pain, and crumpled up into a ball.

This day was certainly not in my favor.

Fourty five minutes later

I sat there alone in the waiting room, happy that whatever they had given me for my pain was working, since I had not had a cramp in the past ten minutes.

The only sound in the room was the sound of the radio, which at the time was playing one of Maroon 5's old songs. Then it soon went to the local news.

"There have been reports that at Georgeville Hospital that there has been a mad 'it' as they call it running around. There has been a search party since early this morning for this person, and there is suspicion that the person could have miraculously left the building earlier that day." The radio reporter said, and I looked at it, suddenly totally unfazed by it.

Right now though, I was unfazed by everything. Everything weird seemed normal all of a sudden, all of the things that would have made me a nervous wreck days ago I was totally immune to now.

Everything in my life was at this point very weird, but things were only going to get weirder.

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