Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


I opened my eyes to be greeted by Popeye my Maine Coon sitting on my stomach. She pawed at my stomach, and I sat up, feeling sick to my stomach and groggy; like I hadn't slept all night.


I patted Popeye's head and she began to purr, then lying on my lap, her stomach exposed. I smiled and rubbed her belly, and saw that there was a note, and my cell phone lying on the coffee table. I stopped petting Popeye and grabbed the note and read it.

Dear Casey,

I am sorry to say that I have work today and they wouldn't let me take the day off. I would've stayed here today if they let me, but they can't. Please don't go to school today, and here is your phone, I knew you were looking for it earlier. I will be getting off at 6PM; I hope that you can cope with your Mother until then.

If not, I deeply apologize.

-Hailey Preston


I looked at the note again, and sighed. There was no noise for now, and I hoped that there wasn't for a long time. I knew when she woke up that it would all go to hell, and I dreaded that.

Then there were claws seeping into my stomach.

"Ouch!" I yelped, looking at Popeye who kept digging her claws into my stomach.


I rolled my eyes and gently shoved her off of my lap. She looked at me, confused and then walked away, seeing that my other cat Hawkwing, a skinny brown and black cat slinking downstairs as if he had seen a ghost.

I then decided that it might be a good idea to check upstairs anyways, to see if there was something that was up with my Mother. Something just might have changed in her attitude.

Meow! Hiss!

In the corner of the stairs Hawkwing and Popeye were playing. I walked over to edge of the stairs, hearing a hiss, a snarl, and then seeing both Hawkwing and Popeye tearing through the living room. I smiled to myself and went up the steps. There was no sound, absolutely none.

Once I was at the top of the steps I walked into my Mother's room and saw that she was staring into space, her eyes blank with a few stray tears here and there. Her brown hair was a mess, and there was no expression on her face whatsoever. The silence was so eerie that I could not stand it.

"Hi Mother." I said, and she sat there as if she did not notice that I was there.

"Where's Hailey?" Mother asked.

"She went to work, she had no choice." I explained.

"I bet she is lying. I bet she wanted nothing to do with me, that I am not worth her time. Make sure she doesn't come back in here, she can't be trusted. She might just be betraying us; she might turn me into him." Mother explained monotonously as if she said stuff like this everyday.

Him? I asked myself, confused about who she was talking about. There was my Dad, he cheated on her. Then again, there was nothing else that could be a "him", but none of them would do something that terrible to her.

"Okay." I sighed and left the room.

I went back downstairs and saw that Popeye and Hawkwing had calmed down. One of them was curled up on the couch and the other one was sitting there by the couch licking himself happily, as if he just won.

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