~Contest Entry I. The Gates of Hell & The Rainbow Warrior

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The gun formed the lock and the gates opened, all of Hell coming pouring out. Eerie masses of black smoke were unleashed upon the world, disappearing amongst the darkness the night provided. Two brothers, and their friends, struggled to close the gates as the demons pushed on the other side.

A small creature was watching from a safe place behind the bushes, odd violets eyes wide in the perfect mixture of wonder and even fear. A demon flew past and Mish ducked down, wrapping his wings tightly around his small frame as he watched the demons of Hell fly over.


Word count: 100 (author's note not counted!)
Scene used: Season 2, finale episodes
OC used: Mish aka The Rainbow Warrior (he's a RP OC of mine!)

Alright, this here is my first entry. The assignment was to write a 100-word story about an OC experiencing the fandom universe for the first time and trying to capture the excitement and why I love the fandom.

I love many things about Supernatural (don't get me started) but one of those things are the dark themes and paranormal creatures appearing in it! Demons being only one of the many. So I choose to try and capture this in only a mere 100 words and the use of my favorite OC.

The OC I used is called Mish (for more info about him go to my rantbook and search for the chapter titled 'BELLATOR SANCTUS: THE RAINBOW WARRIOR'). I would have used adult!Mish but part of the assignment was 'for the first time' so I figured that wouldn't be all too fitting so I used kid!Mish instead and dropped the precious in the season 2 finale 😂

I will submit this in a few days. Feedback and your opinions until then are appreciated.

Hugs and knives,
~ Luci

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