~Contest Entry VI. The Angel of Monte Carlo & The Rainbow

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WARNING: might contain spoilers of season 13


Mighty feathered wings beat the air as the creature hovered far above the ground, violet eyes thoughtful as he looked ahead; seeing things others couldn't see. Folding his wings tightly against his back in one fluid movement, he fearlessly dived down towards the advancing ground below, spreading out his wings just in time and flapping them a few times to land lightly on his feet instead of crashing down.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" A male voice called out to him, sounding doubtful.

Glancing at the source of the voice, he faced a blue-eyed man with slightly curly hair who gave him a doubtful look. The man was unmoved by the unique coloring of the winged man who landed before him.

"I am," Mish replied firmly.

A sigh left God's lips, even though Mish was careful not to call him that in his face, knowing very well that He preferred to go by 'Chuck'. Mish didn't fully understand his reasoning to pose as a Prophet and live alongside humanity, but he wasn't one to question. Chuck always had a reason for what he did. "I still think it would be best if you left it alone, but when you have your mind set on anything there's no changing it, right?" Chuck shook his head slightly when Mish stayed silent, having found his answer in that.

"I wish you good luck at least then, perhaps you might even be right about this," Chuck added, holding up a hand, "let me send you on your way." Snapping his fingers as a catalyst for his powers, the world whirled around Mish as he was sucked through the flows of time and space. He went back in time.


When his surroundings cleared, Mish found himself in Monte Carlo, looking out over a large body of water expanding before him. There were many ships and boats, some even grander and more luxurious than the one next to it. The water shone like a clear mirror of silver-blue glass, reflecting the light of the sun.

Mish quickly put a glamour over himself, to turn his unique coloring invisible to the human eye. If a human were as much as gaze upon him, they wouldn't notice him, unable to process his presence. As if he never was there in the first place.

Pressing his grand pink wings tightly against his back, he started to walk, following the direction of the slight pulse of celestial grace he could feel in the air, knowing he could find him at the end of it. After a while, he stopped in front of a grand manor he knew belonged to the Norse god Loki. It was the place Gabriel had chosen as his refuge. Thanks to his advanced hearing he could hear voices behind the door; talking and laughing. Raising a hand, he knocked on the door. And he waited.

The talking stopped and a hushed silence fell over the place. Mish rocked on his feet and adjusted his wings so they would sit more comfortably. Footsteps sounded and the door opened slightly as he forced all his worries away from his face and posture, being careful to keep a blank expression so not to give anything away.

Gabriel might trust the Pagan's and have accepted them as a family, but that did not mean that Mish had.

The door opened to a young boy, yet Mish knew that he was well over a thousand years old, as was often the case with deities. Most have been around as long as humanity had. Or longer. Mish could easily look past his human skin and see his true form underneath; the face of a horse. So this is Sleipnir.

Being a supernatural entity, Sleipnir could look past Mish's simple basic glamour and see how he truly looked like. Of course, Mish could hide for magical and mythological entities as well, but he didn't see why he should bother, so he rarely made his glamours and disguises that strong. He watched as Sleipnir arched up a single eyebrow at the pale pink hair and deep violet eyes staring back but didn't comment on it, instead he turned his head back to the house and yelled after noticing the wings, "Gabriel! I think he's here for you!" And then he left.

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