~Contest Entry VII. Falling Through A Rip in the Sky // Marvel X Supernatural

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Images flashed through Jack's mind; of universes and realities other than the one he was currently in, both beautiful and terrifying. He had seen the image of the world he had to go to through Sam's memories, and he scanned over the different universes overlapping and entwining with each other. He had spotted the world he needed to go to, but he found it hard to remain focused on it. His frown deepened. "I found it." He at least told Sam.

Reaching towards that world, he called forth his powers to create the portal to step through. When he almost got it, the door to his room they were in slammed open and Dean stalked inside; green eyes burning and a scowl on his face. "What are you two doing?!" The always-angry man called out, rather loudly, startling Jack which caused his focus to shift and the world slip through his fingers.

"Dean!" Sam called to his brother, eyes wide. Jack wouldn't know what else either had to say because in his startled jump he had accidentally opened a rift between the worlds. But not towards the world he originally wanted to go to, to save the Winchester's mother, but another place that just so happened to be in the way.

The last thing he saw were two pairs of wide, startled eyes looked at him as he fell through the rip that had appeared in the sky, swallowing him up and throwing him through time and space. It closed up behind him as he tumbled through the air and harshly landed on a grassy field, losing consciousness from both shock and the hit on his head.


Jack awoke to a banging in his head, as if somebody repeatedly hit him with a hammer. A groan left his lips and his eyes fluttered open, only to close again from the harsh glaring of the sun. Shielding his eyes with a hand, he carefully opened his eyes and let them adjust before he took in his surroundings. He was laying underneath what appeared to be a large tree in a field, sunlight shining past the leaves right into his eyes.

Sitting up slowly, ignoring his headache to the best of his ability, he blinked slightly as he looked around at his unfamiliar surroundings. He remembered somehow creating a portal and falling through it, but wherever he ended up, he had no idea.

"Are you okay?" An unfamiliar voice called out, sounding slightly concerned.

Startled, Jack jumped up with a cat's agility and stared wide-eyed at a boy who appeared to be around his own age - physically at least - who held up his hands when he caught Jack's expression. "I'm not going to hurt you," the boy tried again, "I was just wondering if you were okay. You literally fell out of the sky."

Tilting his head slightly, he looked down at the boy. "I am doing fine," he replied. And indeed, his headache was slowly fading away. "Am I still on Earth?" He added, not realizing that that was a rather strange question to ask.

The boy's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Uhm... yes. You're in New York," was the reply he got. Jack thought he had heard of New York before, he knew it was a large city in America, so he nodded slowly. "Are you even human?" The boy blurted out, frowning slightly. When catching Jack's surprised expression, he added, "It's just that most humans I know don't fall out of a strange golden line in the sky, twenty feet above the ground, and survive."

"It's... complicated," Jack said after a while, not sure to explain what he was when he didn't even fully understand himself.

Now it was the boy's time to tilt his head. "I'll just see that as a no then," he muttered under his breath. The boy stood up, brushing some grass off his pants. "Peter Parker," he said, holding his hand out for Jack.

Jack stared at the extended hand for a while, not sure what he was supposed to do with it. "I'm Jack," he said, carefully reaching out with his own only for Peter to tightly take his hand and shake it before he let go.

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