~Contest Entry III. Brother Let Me Be Your Shelter

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A single tear escaped his eyes as he looked down at the shivering body in his arms. Color had faded from hazel eyes and the fear was seen in their depth. A shaky hand reached out and gripped his shoulder. "D... Dean," Sam called out in a tiny voice, blood pulsing out of the deep wound on his back and the corner of his mouth.

One of Dean's hands was on Sam's back, desperately trying to cover the wound to stop the bleeding, but deep down, part of him knew that it was no use. Sam's shirt was sticky, and the metallic scent of blood and death hung in the air like a bad omen.

Dean cradled Sam's head with his other hand, making soothing motions and muttering that it was going to be alright, that he would protect him, but the words sounded hollow to his own ears - their meaning long lost.

His father's strict voice sounded in his head like a warning. Protect Sammy. The one thing he failed. He could almost feel John's disappointing gaze on him as the brother he had sworn to protect was dying in his arms. And he couldn't stop it.

Sam's face was cradled in the crook of his neck as both brothers held on for dear life, wrapped up in each other for any remaining protection.

Sam needed Dean, and Dean needed Sam. It was as simple as that.

A shaky breath left Sam's lips and then he was quiet. The life had slipped out of him.

Dean's lips quivered. "No," he whimpered, tears freely streaming down his face as his hands almost feverishly poked his brother in the hopes of getting a reaction from him. He got none.

"SAAAMMM!!!" He screamed out in a painful wail. The sound of a man who had lost all. Without his brother to guide him, Dean was lost and stumbling in the dark. Sam was his guiding light.

A hand was placed on his shoulder but Dean barely noticed. His body shaking as he refused to let go of Sam's body. "Son, let go... he's gone," Bobby said.

Dean vaguely remembered the elder man being there but he couldn't find it in himself to care. He felt completely numb.


The wind picked up and blew his hair out of his eyes. Forest green eyes were cast down as his hands shook. He stood in the heart of a crossroad, about to do something that would change everything. Something stupid, as Bobby would say.

A shaky breath left his lips as Dean slowly stood up, his tears long since dried but the same hollow feeling in his chest.

The night had fallen silent, not a single sound to be heard but his own beating heart, almost as if the world was waiting to see what he would do.

Dean's mind was set. He would do whatever it took to save his brother; it was his duty, his responsibility. He couldn't imagine a world without Sam in it and he did not want to live in such a world. Even if it meant his own damnation.

Forest green eyes staring at the clouded night sky above, Dean took a deep breath before he looked down again, staring in blood red eyes; emotionless and fathomless, looking at him with almost mockery.

"So, one year," the demon said, "do we have a deal, Dean Winchester?" She seemed to have seen the defeat in Dean's eyes, knowing that she had already won. A smirk formed on the demon's face.

"Yes," Dean simply said, keeping his voice void of any emotion. "Just bring my brother back."

Before he knew it, the demon was kissing him. He gave her a blank look once she pulled away and the demon smirked, tracing his lips with a single finger. "I'd rather get a heads up before being violated by demon tongue." He said.

"A kiss to seal the deal." Was her simple reply. Before he could say anything else, she was gone.

Mind swirling, Dean spun around on his heels and raced back the way he came. Sam!


"Sammy!" Dean called out in joy when he got back to the place he had left Sam's previously lifeless body. He had placed his younger brother on a bed he had found before he had set off with only one thing on mind - Bobby had left earlier, feeling that Dean needed to be alone for a while.

Sam's hazel eyes looked at him questionably, wondering what had happened, but Dean ignored it.

He went over to his brother and wrapped his arms around him in a tight hug, his brother's warmth seeping into his bones; closing up the hole in his heart and making him feel alive again.

"I'll never leave you all alone."


Word count: 799
Song: Brother ~ NEEDTOBREATHE ft Gavin DeGraw (a Supernatural edit with the song at the top)
Characters: Sam & Dean Winchester
Scene: Sam's first dead & Dean selling his soul

Alright, here's my third entry for the Fanfic Bootcamp. I hope you guys liked it, as always, feedback and tips are appreciated ^^

The challenge for this one was to write Flash Fiction based off a song. I really wanted to do something about Sam and Dean and the bond they share - how they would sacrifice themselves for the other, whatever the cost. I hope I somewhat managed to do it but idk... one just cannot put into words how much those two mean to each other.

Also, make sure you watch the video at the top! In a way, it was the inspiration for me to choose that particular song and those particular characters. Well, to the next time!

And thanks to luciferstempest for the fabulous cover (and for helping me put the sticker on), I think it looks awesome!

Hugs and knives,
- Luci

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