~Contest Entry IV. A Dragon's Power // Fairy Tail X Supernatural

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Where is everyone? Natsu thought to himself. Somehow, he had gotten separated from his friends and he ended up in this strange world after falling through a rip in the sky. Shrugging, he jumped down and continued walking, onyx-black eyes doubtfully taking in his surroundings.

"I sure ended up in a weird place," he said to himself. He sniffed the air, hoping that his sensitive nose might catch a familiar scent, but it was no luck.

A certain scent caught his attention though; something dark and nasty. Stopping with walking, he took a good whiff of the air, pinpointed the weird smell, and he raced towards it - thinking that if he beat whoever smelled that way, he might be able to go back home.


"So you're the one with the weird scent, huh?" Natsu called out towards the man he had found. He had followed the scent and came across a yellow-eyed man in a white suit.

"Don't just go smelling people, boy. That is rude," the man replied in a strange accent Natsu has never heard before. The yellow of the man's eyes faded away to a dark brown. Natsu didn't know what it was about the man but the nasty scent was strong now, hanging around him like a dark sinister aura. He's not human. A demon perhaps?

Almost on instinct, Natsu was set ablaze. His magic activated and furious flames engulfed him completely; burning brightly and having the power to destroy everything in its path.

The fire seemed to catch the demon's interest as his eyes sparkled in fascination. He turned fully towards Natsu now, giving him his complete attention. "You are an interesting one," he commented. "Who are you?"

"Fairy Tail's Natsu Dragneel," Natsu immediately answered. "Dragon Slayer."

"Asmodeus. King of Hell," the demon said to that with a slight grin, Natsu's bright fire reflecting dangerously in his dark eyes. He wasn't entirely sure why he bothered introducing himself, but he somehow felt the need to do so and as a King, he could pretty much do whatever he wanted.

The flames around Natsu's feet and fists burned brightly as the fire around the rest of his body disappeared. "I don't know who you are, but you sure have a nasty smell," Natsu said before he flew up towards the demon, using the force of his flames to keep himself in the air. "I am going to beat you and then find my way back home!"

The demon's eyes widened when the pink-haired man reached him at such speeds. Natsu threw his fist back and threw a punch at the demon. "Iron Fist of the Fire Dragon!" He called out and Asmodeus flew back from the unexpected force as he was hit with the power of a dragon.

Asmodeus landed lightly on his feet, rubbing his sore cheek for a while as he glared at the Dragon Slayer, eyes flashing a pale yellow. "Don't just hit someone like that. Don't you have any manners?!" He called out, utterly perplexed, even though he had to admit that the youth's powers managed to catch his attention. It wasn't anything he had ever seen before.

"Don't talk to me about manners," Natsu replied, shooting forwards again and attempting to kick the demon with his feet clad in flames, which Asmodeus barely managed to dodge. "Someone with such a nasty smell cannot have anything good planned, so I'm going to beat you up."

"Beat me up?" Asmodeus repeated, feeling slightly offended. He held out his palm and send out a wave of telekinetic energy, picking the Dragon Slayer up with an invisible force and throwing him through the air. "That won't be so easy."

A startled yelp left Natsu's mouth as he was slammed away and thrown against the rocky ground, breaking a few rocks with the force of his fall. Clenching his jaw as he looked up at the demon in white, he slowly stood up. It wasn't magic that was used against him, Natsu knew, but he couldn't be bothered to think about it much.

"I'm not entirely sure what you are or where you came from, but it all ends here," Asmodeus spoke. He concentrated his powers and the air shook as he set the entire area around Natsu ablaze. He intended to burn Natsu to ashes, but something happened that Asmodeus would never have thought of.

A slurping sound was heard as if somebody was eating. The flames shook slightly before they moved through the air. Natsu stood in the heart of the inferno Asmodeus had created, unharmed and all the flames moving into his mouth.

Asmodeus' eyes had widened in shock - and also a bit of wonder - as he saw the flames being eaten. "That's not something you see every day," he muttered.

Natsu grinned when he had finished eating the flames. "Thanks for the meal," he said. "I'm fired up." A bit of smoke slipped past the corners of his mouth before he took a deep breath. "Roar of the Fire Dragon!" He yelled when he opened his mouth, breathing out an intense column of furious flames. It was like the sun had fallen down from the sky as the nearby rocks melted and the air shook from the intense heat.

The fire whirled towards Asmodeus with great speed, destroying and burning everything in their path, and the demon knew he would be a pile of ashes if those flames hit. He jumped out of the way, but he wasn't completely fast enough as his side got torched, his suit destroyed. He screamed as he gripped his side.

He's dangerous, the demon thought. "This is enough!" He yelled in a frenzy. His heart-rate sped up like crazy as he felt fear take a hold of him. He held out his palm and clenched his fist, taking a hold of his powers.

Natsu's body tensed up and he was unable to move. He fell down to his knees and groaned painfully as he felt his heart clench as if somebody was squeezing the life out of him. He could hear footsteps as the demon slowly came closer. "This was fascinating, but this is the end of the line for you now."

Natsu managed to open his eyes and he shot the demon a glare. "Don't... screw with me," he managed to say as another wave of pain shot through his body. "I won't be done in with this."

Managing to push everything down, he stood up, flames burning brightly as lightning shot through it. "Lightning-Flame Dragon Mode," he said, standing to his full height and letting out a roar as his entire body was surrounded by lightning and flames.

Asmodeus took a step back. In a flash, he had seen a huge roaring red dragon reflected on the same place the pink-haired man stood.

Natsu jumped up. Holding his hands behind him as he created a gigantic sphere which was the perfect fusion of fire and lightning. "Dazzling Blaze of the Lightning-Flame Dragon!" He brought his hands down and threw the sphere at the demon where it exploded in an intense blast of energy as the demon screamed. 


Word count: 1200
Fandoms used: Fairy Tail & Supernatural
Hero used: Natsu Dragneel, Fairy Tail
Villain used: Asmodeus, Supernatural

Hugs and knives,
~ Luci

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