Murder Stories and Interruptions

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Kimberly got the cigars and checked out the other things, paying with her credit card. She went out of the doors and walked to her car. Vroom... the car started and she drove off to the house.
At the house...
Kimberly grabbed the bags with the drinks for Tom and Edd and the cigars for Tord. "Uh, hello?" Kimberly said. "Kimberly?" She heard a voice with an accent say. "Oh, hey, Tord. Where are the others?" She asked. "Oh they're at the arcade. I didn't want to go." Tord responded. "Oh. Well, wanna tell stories?" Kimberly suggested. "Murder stories...?" Tord smirked at Kimberly and she smirked back. "Ha, of course!"
They ran up and down the stairs, bringing blankets and pillows to make a fort. When they finished, they crawled inside, giggling like little children.
"Ok, ok, me first. Once there was an author named TT6996, and she wrote a story about 5 friends: Edd, Tom, Matt, Tord and Kimberly! One day, Tord and Kimberly decided to tell murder stories, but when Kimberly started, she was interrupted... by a loud-" "ROAR!!" "AAAH!" Kimberly and Tord screamed as Edd and Tom, with Matt behind them, screamed a loud 'Roar'. "Dritt... Faen deg, jeg hater deg..." Tord mumbled something in Norwegian. (I don't know what that means either XD I just know it means something hateful) "HAHAHA!! Haaa!" Edd fell to the ground, holding his stomach. Tom was snickering, but still laughing sometimes.
Tord blushed, not knowing he just said something VERY bad in Norwegian.
Kimberly was laughing after being scared.
She walked to kitchen to get some water.

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