Memories of a Prayer

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Kimberly woke up with a headache. She looked over and saw a note on her floor.

 She looked over and saw a note on her floor

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She was nervous. Getting off of the floor, she went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth. Then, she went to the living room. Tord and Matt were sitting on the couch watching TV. Tom was in the kitchen cooking breakfast. Edd sat at the counter talking to Tom. But he was talking quietly, like he didn't want anyone to hear. But she heard a few words: "...She had cuts on her arm last night..." And that's it. Blushing (realizing she was) she walked to the couch and bent down to Tord. "What did you need, horn boy?" She frowned. He got up and led her to his room. "Uh, yesterday... You fell asleep and Edd told me to check on you, and... well... WeSawACutOnYourArmAndIPanickedAnd I wrote you. The n-note... " He said quickly. Kimberly's eyes widened.
"Kimberly?" Tord asked. "Yea?" Kimberly replied. "Come here, I wanna tell you something." He said. She walked over. "My mother sung to me a Prayer so I could go to sleep. At night, when it was summer, I couldn't fall asleep with all of the blankets I had." Tord explained. "Ooh, ooh, can I hear it?" Kimberly grinned. "Yeah. Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray, thee Lord my soul to keep. Guide me safely through the night, wake me with the morning light. Amen." Tord finished. Kimberly giggled and high-fived Tord.
End of flashback
Kimberly looked at Tord with big eyes. "Y-you... Saw?" She teared up. "Uh huh..." He said. "I... I'M SORRY!! PLEASE *hic* DON'T YELL AT ME AGAIN!! I'M S-SCARED, TORD, I AM SCARED!" Kimberly sobbed. "Hey, hey... It's ok!" Tord said. "Let's just forget about it. I will get some bandages for your arm." Tord brought her to the bathroom. He wrapped her arm in bandages. After that, they went to the kitchen ( messed up so much first I said dining room deleted then I said living room deleted then I said kitchen. Not deleted) to eat breakfast.

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