Finding Yoonha Pt.1

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Yoongi POV 

I ran back downstairs in a hurry tears welling up in my eyes. "Guys Yoonha is gone" I yelled making them all look at me in shock "What do you mean she is gone" Jin asked voice almost cracking.

"When I went upstairs to see if I could talk to her she was gone and the window was open" I said as tears ran down my face "This is all my fault if I hadn't told her this yet than she wouldn't have been taken or ran away" I said falling to my knees crying.

I feel awful how can I let my own child run away or taken cause of something stupid I told her now I might not be able to see her again. I just feel like the worst mother in the world my own child doesn't even love me anymore saying she hates me.

I need to find my child and bring her back. I got up from the floor taking a deep breathe before wiping my tears and running out the door. Letting my wings out ignoring the screams and cries of my name. I used my powers to erase my scent so they won't find me.

I need to do this on my own cause I'm the ones they want not them. I need to keep my family safe and away from harm. As I was flying over trees, houses, and buildings I couldn't help but cry again. All my feeling build up inside me had to be let out.

I couldn't think of anything but my daughter. As tears were flooding my sight making me not see I ran into a bunch of trees making me stumble and fall. I hit the ground with a hard crack and a cry of pain.

I touched my right arm and felt instant pain. I took my left hand making a blue light admit from it and held it over my right arm. I looked around noticing how dark it was and but I could see perfectly since my eyes were glowing blue. 

After a while my arm started to feel better so I stood up about to fly from the woods until I was shocked my some type of electricity. I hissed in pain falling onto the ground once again. I looked to see where the source came from and saw a man dressed in black. 

"Now I have found you" The man said chuckling "W-what do y-you want from m-me" I said trying to get up but was shocked again "Oh I don't need you I just need the powers you posses" He said taking of his hood so I could see him better. He had yellow hair.

He gave me a sinister smile before snapping his finger and another man who had pink walked over with a little girl in his hands. I looked at her face and started crying knowing it was Yoonha "Aww why are you crying I haven't done anything" The man with yellow hair said.

"Who are you and what do you want with me and my daughter" I said looking at the man "You can call me GD and the man who is carrying your daughter is TOP" The man said and I laughed at the names making his smile drop "Why are you laughing" GD asked angrily.

"Firstly those are the dumbest names I have ever heard and Secondly it's my mouth I can laugh if I-" Before I could finish my sentence I was punched in the face making me cough out blood and shocked again "I better watch that mouth of your before your family gets hurt" GD said pointing towards my daughter.

I looked and saw Top holding a knife to my daughters throat as tears came down her face as she called out my name through the duck tap that covered her mouth. I just stared at her not knowing what to do not knowing GD was coming towards me with a syringe in his hands. 

He stuck it in me making me yell in pain as he injected the unknown material into my body making my body go numb and mind go dizzy. Everything started to spin and the last thing I saw before I blacked out was the face of my daughter crying out my name. Trying to get out of TOP's grip and come to me.

Time Skip

My eyes started to open as I tried to look around at my surroundings and see where I was at. I shut my eyes before opening them and looking around the room I was in which was pitch black dark. I looked and saw Yoonha in a chair tied up in front of me with duck tap over her mouth.

She looked passed out as her head was leaned over. I was about to run over but I couldn't move that's when I noticed that my arms were connected to long chains and so where my ankles. I tried using my powers but it only shocked me and the chains on my ankles and wrist got tighter. 

I hissed in pain at the discomfort I looked around the room using my werewolf nose to smell something out that could help me. As I was smelling my way around the room my blue eyes were met with a pair of silver ones that looked deep into my soul. 

"Who's there" I yelled in the direction where the eyes where. The eyes disappeared before footsteps were heard and the person stepped out looking at me with a smirk "Did you miss me baby boy" The unknown man said before taking off his mask. 

I gasped at who I saw. The person who I thought wouldn't mess with me anymore and leave me alone but looks like I was wrong. "Eric what are you doing here" I asked in terror and shock which only made his smirk grow bigger.

"I'm here to take your power and get back what should've belonged to me" He said in a devious voice "What do mean by should've belonged to you" I asked confused making him chuckle than look at me with a serious face......

"You belong to me"

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