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Yoongi walked through the hallway looking for one last person to kill. GD. He had planned this all along with the help of Eric and Got7 and now it was time for Yoongi to get his revenge.

 As he walked through the dark quiet hall filled with dead bodies he stopped at a door.

He turned facing the door holding his hand out as it glowed a dark purple and the door flew open. And there he was. GD sitting there with a smirk but Yoongi could fill his emotions and knew that he was scared as hell.

Yoongi walked towards the man before him slowly as his eyes were now a bright white as his hands were still a dark purple. Putting his hand out and swiped it making the giant desk crash into the wall and the man jump.

Once Yoongi was in front of him he quickly grabbed him neck squeezing it as the other struggled before him and before he could kill him something touch his shoulders and a wavy of memories and emotions fell over him.








Seven Sins.

One Man.

"Mommy Daddy" The little pale boy said as he ran through the burning trees and houses. Looking back the boy saw his mother laying there lifeless. 

He quickly ran over to her and shook her. "Mommy wake up we have to go" The boy said shaking his mother while crying.

He was grabbed from his mother making him scream "Yoongi we have to go" The boy looked up seeing his father his eyes were a light blue and his hands were glowing a dark purple.

"No Daddy! Mommy.. something is wrong with Mommy we need to help her" The boy said as he struggled from his Father's grip "We will but for now you need to run son" The man said as he set the boy on the ground kneeling in front of him.

"No! I'm not leaving you and Mommy I'm staying" The boy yelled crying as he looked at his Father who had tears in his eyes as well "Son I promise we will be right behind you okay!? Trust me" The man said kissing his son's head.

"Pwinky Pwomise?" The boy mumbled holding his pinky out making the man smile alittle as he hooked his pinky with the little boy and kissed his head.

The boy hugged his father crying before the heard gunshots, growls, screams of pain, and evil laughing. "Son look at me" The man said getting the boys attention 

"Run and don't look back run all the way to the city I promise me and your mother will come for you now go" The man said.

Running through the broken down houses and flames of fire. Yoongi than looked at his mother on the ground lifeless and the direction his father went in before looking towards the woods and running.

The ran as far as he could not looking back. He was doing this for his family, friends, Mother, and Father. He knew his mother and Father would find him soon, he trusted them and his Father promised him.

But Sometimes Promises Are Meant To Be Broken.

Yoongi ran and ran and ran until he finally made it to the city. He never really questioned why they lived so deep and far in the woods. He actually liked it better in the woods with Nature than in the City with a bunch of sick and messed up People.

Well that's what his parents told him. They said that Nature is more beautiful than anything in the world and that it should be cared for and protected not burned down and destroyed.

People in the real world are sick and cruel. Most never care for anyone but themselves and there well being. 

That's why the world is the way it is now. Filled with evil and hate and not so much love and care. People make you who you are.

There words hurt more than anything and no one can escape from a living, walking,breathing demon not even Yoongi.

As he walked through the streets people looked at him with judging and disgusted faces since he only had one shoe on the, his pants had dirt all over them with small cuts on them, and his shirt had big cuts all over them.

He had scars all over his body from running through and on bushes, rocks, sticks, and tree branches.

Than everything went white and Yoongi was met with a man and a women from the distance walking towards him dressed in all white. The both had big beautiful white wings on there back.

Once they were right in front of Yoongi the smiled at him with teary eyes as well as Yoongi but he was in shock.


(a/n: One more chapter left!!!!)

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