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Your POV
(All of you guys were in one van and you were sitting next to Jungkook but you scooted away from him and he noticed so he moved closer. You moved away again and then he scooted also, you were gonna scoot again but he grabbed your arm)
You: Yah! Let go! *whisper*
Jungkook: No..why are you moving away from me?
(He whispered in your ear)
You: Yah!
(You pushed him away but not to harsh)
Jin: Alright! We are here!
(We all got out of the car and the unnies went home but Jungkook asked if I could sleep over so I was ok with that. The boys were talking to each other but I didn't know what they were saying.)
End of POV

Jungkook POV
(I hope this works...)
Rm: Yah! Jungkook, don't hurt her to harsh and please keep quite.
(I nodded)
Suga: All of your hyungs know about this so please don't hurt my best friend.
Me: Ok!
Jin: I can't believe I'm letting this happen
(He facepalm himself)
Jimin/V: Use protection!~ *laughs*
Me: Ok! But please don't make fun of me!
(They all nodded than went inside of the house)
End of POV

Your POV
(The boys were done talking and Jin oppa looked at me with sad eyes? Jungkook came to me and held my hand)
You: Yah! Let go!
(He didn't let go and just dragged me to his room)
You: Why did Jin oppa look sad?!
Jungkook: He is fine-
(You got a message from....Yugyeom. You got really excited because he is your bff besides Yoongi)
You: *gasp* Yugyeom!
(You open the message and read it)
Yugyeom: Y/n!~ Can I copy your homework?!
(You chuckled at his message. and Jungkook was looking at you the whole time and he was really jealous)
You: Yah! Why didn't you study? I'm not gonna let you copy.

Yugyeom: Pwease....?

You: No!
(You got your phone take away from your hand and so you looked up)
You: Yah! Jungkook! Why did you take my phone away?!
Jungkook: Because you are with me right now and not him!
You: What is wrong with you?!
Jungkook: You were laughing at his message! And I'm your boyfriend!
You: He was just asking me a question!
(You were so angry with him so you were gonna walk out the room but he held your arm)
And pushed you one the bed)
You: Yah-
(He was on top of you)
You: J-Jungkook... get o-off of m-me.
Jungkook: No...I'm mad at you for talking to another guy instead of me. I'm jealous you know. I love you
You: He was just asking me if he can copy my homework.
Jungkook: I still get jealous that he makes you laugh and not me.
You: Well it's make me cry and hurt instead of happy like Yugyeom does!
(Your words hurt Jungkook and you were sad too)
Jungkook: I said I was sorry. I explained why I did that.
You: I don't care anymore.
(He was still on top of you)
Jungkook: Yah...I'm sorry Ok.
(You looked at him in the eyes and he looked at you back. His face was getting closer and closer...than you guys kissed. He broke the kiss and started going down your neck)
You: J-Jungkook, what a-are you d-doing?
Jungkook: I'm gonna show you that I love you and not any other girl.
(Basically, you know what they did)

Hey guys! for the people who already read this. you know what the "grown up" is for, but i decided to change it. but that's all, hope you guys enjoy💖

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