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Your POV
*Next day*
(You were in your room getting ready and you wore this)

Your POV*Next day*(You were in your room getting ready and you wore this)Outfit:

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(You grabbed all your luggage's and put them in the taxi. You went back in the house and wrote a note for the girls. After that you went to the taxi and went to the airport)
End of POV

Girl's POV
(Dahyun was the first to wake up and saw the note. She sighed and woke up the girls)
Dahyun: Unnie! Lisa! Wake up!
(She yelled than the girls fell off their beds)
Yuju: Yah! What was that for?
Lisa: Yea!
(Dahyun looked sad and sighed)
Lisa: Whats wrong dahyun?
Dahyun: She left already...
(Lisa and yuju knew what dahyun was talking about.)
Dahyun: Do The boys know about this?
(The girls nodded as a "no")
Lisa: *sigh* They will find out soon.
Yuju: What about Bambam? Does he know?
Lisa: Yea..I told him yesterday after the talk with y/n.
(Dahyun and Lisa nodded sadly)
Yuju: Its Alright Guys! She will be back soon. We will wait for her.
(The girls look at each other and smiled)
Yuju: Now let's get ready for school.
(The girls nodded than got ready)
End of POV

Boys POV
Taehyung: Yah..Jin hyung, Jungkook has been crying all night. What do we do?
Jin: *sigh* Don't worry. He will have time to explain to y/n today at school.
Taehyung: Ok
Jin: Just try to comfort him when he looks down.
(Tae nodded than got ready)
End of POV

Your POV
(I was on the plane eating and was happy because the food was good but than the smile faded when your memories of you and Jungkook came through your mind)
??: Are you Ok?
(You turned your head to a unfamiliar voice and see a guy)
??: I'm sorry but I saw you smiling but than looked sad. Are you Ok?
You: oh..y-yeah I'm ok
??: Are you sure?
(You nodded)
??: My name is Vernon. Yours?
You: Its y/n
Vernon: That's cute. Where are you headed to?
You: Japan. You?
(He smiled)
Vernon: I'm going to Japan too.
You: Why are you going to Japan?
Vernon: I'm going to Japan because my girlfriend is waiting for me. *smiled*
(You were looking at him while smiling because you saw how happy he looked)
You: Thats cute. Are you going to surprise her?
Vernon: Hehe well...
(He was scratching the back of his neck)
You: Whats wrong?
Vernon: She already found out.
(You laughed)
You: How?
Vernon: I was on in a call with her and asked her how to travel.
(You started laughing)
You: You don't know how to travel?
Vernon: Yah! It's my first time ok *laughs*
(He looked at you)
Vernon: What about you? Why are you going to Japan?
(You stopped laughing and looked at him. He notice that you were upset after he asked)
You: Well..I just wanted to see other parts of the world.
(He knew that you were hiding something)
Vernon: Are you sure? Hey...we are friends now. Is it ok if you tell me the real reason?
(You looked at him and smiled)
You: Well...something happened in Korea and I wanted to go away from it.
Vernon: What happened?
(You decided to tell him)
You: Um.. I have a boyfriend and we did the THING.
(He understood and chuckled)
Vernon: That's Why?
You: Not really. He told his hyungs and I found out that he planned it out and I felt hurt. My best friends didn't even know that they were planning it so I was hurt and needed time.
(He looked sad)
Vernon: Yah..y/n he probably didn't want to tell your friends because he was embarrassed and maybe he told his hyungs because of one reason.
(You looked at him)
You: What reason?
Vernon: Ok it might sound weird but..does your boyfriend live with his hyungs?
(You nodded)
Vernon: Ok..where did you guys do IT?
You: We did it at his place and..omg
Vernon: You get it now.
(You were shocked)
You: He..he only told the boys because...OH NO!
(You were so mad at yourself!)
You: Vernon! Why didn't I think at first!!
(You were literally on the verge of crying)
Vernon: Hey..it's ok. Your ok, my girlfriend would have reacted the same way if her friends did not know what my friends and I were planing to do that too.
You: But I hurt him. He tried explaining but than I punched him. And NOW he doesn't know that I'm gone.
Vernon: Don't worry. I'll help you get back home.
You: REALLY!?, ..But I feel bad.
Vernon: Don't worry. We are friends now and what are friends for?
(He smiled)
You: Ohh~ thank you. Thank you. Thank-
Vernon: Yah! I get it.
(He laughs)
You: Give me your number.
Vernon: Why?
You: Are we not friends?
Vernon: We are! But I didn't know since you didn't say it that way.
You: Aish!
(He gave you his number and you gave him your)
End of POV

Girls POV
(The girls arrived at school and looked for the boys..they continued walking and saw the boys next to the lockers in the hall)
Jin: Yah! What took you guys so long?
Yuju: Sorry. We are tired!
Jin: Ok,Ok I'm sorry
(Everyone was talking but Jungkook was looking for you)
Dahyun: Yah! What are you looking for Jungkook?
(Everyone stopped talk by and looked at Jungkook)
Jungkook: Hehe, Where's y/n?

Sorry for not updating!🙏🙏🙏🙏 I'm just really tired so I have no time to do it. But I'll try tomorrow! Sorry for any mistakes! Love ya💖💖💖

OMG!! Did you guys see jungkooks new hair color?? Woohoo!! He looked so hot!!🔥🔥 hehehe. And Taehyung?! Wah!! Ok bye😂

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