A Beginning

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Ultimates are all over the world. Teenagers with talent above all others. They might seem like amazing role models, but great fortune is almost are always be balanced with impure intentions.

--???'s POV--

I wake up

The darkness  had consumed my vision. I couldn't see or hear anything. The world had gone blank... 

I put a hand forward into the darkness, and felt a wall. I pushed the cold surface, trying to leave the dark abyss I was in, and the gods answered my calls. The wall, as it turns out, was a door. It opened with a deafening CREEEAK . The light blinded me as I walked out into the world, almost making me fall over. I looked around at the puzzling, new scenery. 

A-A classroom? Why am I in a classroom?

My mind started swirling. It was the most confusing phenomenon I had ever seen.

Why am I here? Did I pass out? How long have I been here? Where is this?

I was so confused that I was questioning it over & over in my mind. It was almost like questioning my own existence. I had never guessed this might be a possibility. So I thought about what might happen next. I looked where I came from. A locker, which just added on to my curiosity. I looked inside the dark abyss of the locker, and found nothing... Right before I heard the locker next to it rattling. It didn't phase me, as I assumed that was a possibility. So I stood up, put my best fake surprised face on, and waited. A tall purple haired man fell out. I almost gasped.

"Excuse me sir, but are you ok?" I asked in my best concerned voice, but I felt no emotion for him, I didn't even know him.

"Thanks, but I'm fine."

"Ok, if you say so."

He stood up, and sighed, right before I noticed the bruises on his leg. I pretended not to notice. I didn't want to have to take time caring about someone else when other possibilities could happen, the more exciting option is always the better one. I quickly smiled, and asked his name.

"I'm Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars! Even crying children adore the Ultimate Astronaut!" He boasted.

An Ultimate... Well that might explain it.

"Oh, well then, nice to meet you Kaito. I am Kirumi Tojo, the Ultimate Maid. Let me know if you require my service."

A/N : aaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAA this was so short... 

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