Investigation, START!

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-Kaede's POV-

Screams and out. All I could do was stand in shock...

Angie... She's dead... Who did this? How did this happen..?

An unsettling voice suddenly wrand out, grabbing everyone's attention at once.

"A body has been discover- Wait. Wrong script. So, I see a murder has occured. I was having technical difficulties, so I was gonna wait to bring up the killing game, but since I've been late, I'm not goons do a trial or anything! Murderer, you're getting away unscathed!"

We all just looked around at each other in confusion, until Tsumugi sighed and left the room. What was that all about? Kirumi was the first to speak up.

"So one of us murdered Angie? How strange..." 

A couple people including me, started panicking. Others just ran, or walked away. Kirumi took a peek back at the body, and seemed sad as she left the room along with others like Maki, and Ryoma.

I, still shaking, looked over at the body, before calling Shuichi over. He came over slowly, as Kokichi seemed to be clinging onto his arm.

"Yes, Kaede?"

"E-even if it's meaningless, I wanna know who killed Angie. It seems like it was one of us, and i want to know who."

Shuichi nodded. Kokichi stopped clinging to Shuichi's arm and seemed determined as well.

"Um.. How do w-we do this again..?" I asked.

Shuichi just pointed to the bathroom and said

"Well, we might want to investigate the crime scene if we want to know what happened."

I agreed and rallied everyone else in the room, namely Kaito Momota, and Gonta Gokuhara. I told them what we were going to do, and they seemed determined to do it as well.


A/N: I'm sorry for the short chapter! I haven't updated this in a while, so I was in a rush to put this out!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2018 ⏰

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