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Don't claim that you love,
Not until you are ready to swear on the Lord above,
Don't try to test the little life I have,
Don't play with the tiny pump I have.
Maybe we are meant to be,
But don't you say you love me.
Not until you're sure.
Not until your sure.

This small word breaks,
This small word makes,
This small word initiates fear,
This small word boosts the butterflies,
It's small, but it's BIG.
It's not be used just for the gig.
For it is serious ,
For it is Love.

~-ShShKhan ♡

+The little thing in our chests is broken without being touched. It is shattered, when someone doesn't remain loyal. When someone leaves you alone after promising a lifetime of togetherness. The word "love" though four-lettered  is very strong , so use it wisely, use it when there is no doubt!+

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