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The colours, the vibrance,
The freshness and the fragrance,
Of the new blooming flowers, oh spring!
With thee nature's power you bring,
The gush of the beauty,
And the wave of the novelty.


I have not written in a LOOOOOOOOOOOONG time! I have resumed my writings though, I have also started my work on the new chapter of MARKED ROYAL. If you haven't read that novel, go to my profile and make sure to check that out.. I am going to post every now and then.. I am not very regular in posting nowadays, my studies being the barrier! But I promise you when I post, it will be a great CONTENT(hope you find it great too ) and you will enjoy it! I have been having a very positive feedback on this book so thank you all who voted and commented and read and appreciated!

Ok I will now leave!:)


L I L YOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora