Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Zach's POV

Cammie was asleep in the car. Her side had started to bleed again so I had to re stitch it up. I felt awful because she was in pain and we didn't have any pain killers with us. I got us a green Corvet. It attracted the eye, but it was fast if we needed to get away. Once we arrived at the house it was about 1:07 am. Can was dead asleep so i got the luggage out of the car, but when I went back to go get her she wasn't there. Then everything went black.

I was tied to a chair when I finally woke up. I had a bag over my head. someone pulled it off. The room was bright.. I saw my mother standing over me. There was some one in another chair facing me with a bag still on their head. It was Cam. my mother tried to wake her up nut Cam was dazed, so she slapped her.

"Stop it!" I yelled as Cam's lip started to bleed.

"Awwww. Poor Zach." my mother said. "Don't worry I'm not gonna kill her this time. I need her right now. Don't worry once I get what I want I promise I will let you both go."

"Just let her go. I will stay." my mother just ignored me.

"So, I need to know where Grant and Bex are. Which one will tell me?" She looked at both Cammie and I. "Okay fine. We can do this the hard way. Zach why don't you tell me where they are."

"No." I said.

"No?" my mother said back.

"No." I repeated.

"Fine have it your way." She said. I didn't care what she did to me. She came back with a baseball bat.

"Are you sure?" She said. Cam looked at me with pleading and sad eyes. She didn't want to see me get hurt.

"I dont care what you do. I'm not telling you." I said I was ready for all the pain in the world. She started walking to me but then stopped when she got to Cam. NO. She hit her leg. Cam nearly flinched. "NO!" I yelled. "Hurt me! Please hurt me!" I started to cry. Again she strick her leg than her arm than her thy. Cam finally whaled in pain. "Stop it!" I yelled but she ignored me. Cam just shook her head.

"Zach don't tell them." She said. Her voice was weak and hurt. She had bruises forming all over boby.

"Cam they can handle themselves. i can't let you get hurt." tears were in my eyes, but i tried to blink them back.

"Zach no." She said. My mom came back in.

"Is anyone up to tell me where Bex and Grant are?" She looked at us and then back at Cam. "Okay I guess we will start back up on Cam again." my evil mother said. She swung the bat at Cam's leg again. i flinched at how it must have hurt my poor baby girl. Only i could stop it.

"Stop!" i couldn't bear it anymore. my mother stopped swinging the bloody bat at my girl.

"Is there something you want to say ZachyPoo?"

"The last i saw them they were in Russia. I promise. Just please stop hurting her." Cam gave me a look of disappointment to play along with my lie.

"Okay. Guards let the two go. We will kill the girl at another time." The guards took us back to our car.

I got Cam in the car and threw away our phones. We drove all night long til we were far away. Cam tested and ached at the same time.

"Hey." Cam started.

"Hey." I said back. I put my hand on her bleeding and bruised face, I kissed her forehead.

"I'm sorry, I know that must have been hard for you." She said.

"Why are you apoligizing? Cam I am so sorry that this has happened to you."

"It isn't your fault." She said.

"I wish I had just killed her."

"Me too." She said. Her voice was weak. Ie pulled into a motel and we checked in for the night.

        "One room please." I said to the man at the consiers desk.

         "Okay." He said and handed me the room key.  I quickly went out to the car to get Cam. I helped her walk inside.



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