Chapter 27

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                             Chapter 27

Zach's POV

         My beautiful wife handed me the present as I started to open it i immediately knew what it was.  It was a pair of keys.

         "Cam aren't these my keys?" i asked.

         "Yes and no. You actually have two sets of keys in your hand." I looked at my hand as I separated the two piles of keys. "I had a few modifications done to your car." She saud as she grabbed my hand pulling me out side. I looked at my car and hers parked next to it. She drove a Ferrari (courtesy of the CIA ) I drove a Lambergini. "Press the red button on your old key set." She said I did as she saud. Suddenly the top on the car went down into a convertible. I just gapped. it was as strong as a hard top but it was now a convertible. "Now press the button with the up arrow." I again listened to her instructions. A huge fifty Cal came out of the trunk. "Now press the down arrow." the inside of the car turned into a high tech spy weapons gallery. "Now press the left arrow." The seats folded back into a bed in case we ever had to drive all night long on the run. "Now press the right button." a rocket launcher came from the front of the car and fired a ricket. I duct but she didn't flinch since she knew what would happen. "Now press the blue button." everything about the car went back to normal.

       "Cam I don't even know what to say. I love it." I said still gaping at the awesomeness of my car.

       "I'm not done yet. Now press the green button on the new set of keys." as I did so a car automatically came around from the house and right next to me. It was a Black jeep. "This one isn't meant for being a spy, this one is just for fun, but it has most of the features that your car has."

         "Cam you didn't have to do all this."

         "Yeah I know, that's what makes me so nice." I couldn't help but laugh. I leaned in to kiss her when she almost kissed me but then quickly pulled away. Her eyes were wide. She then proceeded to drop kick me to the ground and a shot rang out as she did so. But luckily the shot wasn't from the dead man on the ground behind me, it was from her gun. I leaped up from the ground.

          "Nice shot." i said taking her gun.

          "Thanks." She said back.

          "i will deal with this." i said. "you go back inside." She nodded her head.

         "Sorry for the drop kick." She said turning around. i just smiled.

         "You should be, next time just let me die." i said in my most sarcastic tone possible.

         "Will do." She said turning back around towards the house with a smile on her face.

        I had a CIA clean up crew deal with the body and Cam and i continued our day.

      "i believe you owe me a kiss." i said to her.

       "If i have to." She said leaning in as her arms wrapped around my neck, my arms wrapped around her waist. Her hands ran through my hair as her kiss got harder and stronger. She finally pulled back for air.

        "i still need to give you my present."

         "You have saved my life numerous times, i think that is gift enough."

         "Are you kidding, i still plan on saving your pretty little butt as many times as i need to." 

        "Awww you think my butt is pretty?"

         "The prettiest i have ever seen." i said in remark. "Now here is your gift." i handed her a box. "So maybe it's not a super spy modified car and a super awesome jeep but, i thought you might like it." i was kind embarrassed that she did all of that for me. but she opened hers slowly and it b was a snow globe for her snow globe collection.  It was of the Ruby slippers from the smithsonian.

        "From the first time we met." She said with a smile on her face. "That was the best and worst day of my life."

        "Yeah I remember. I saw the most beautiful girl, then I whooped her beautiful lil butt." She just glared at me.

         "Really, I am no longer sorry for drop kicking you." She said as she stood up from the couch.  I grabbed her arm and spun her around towards me.

       "Than I am not sorry either." I said looking into her beautiful brown eyes.

       "Sorry for what?" She asked in confusion.

       "This." i said throwing her over my shoulder.

        "Oh Zachary Ryan Goode. Put me down!" She yelled while pounding her fist against my back.

        "Nope. You and I ate going for a ride, on the wild side, which we can't hide, because we are so fly."

        "Nice one M.C. Dofus! Did you really just try to rap?"

        "Hey you are in no position to make fun of me , I have the upper hand." i said still carrying her over my shoulder.

         "Yeah, but i wouldn't have married you if I thought you would use the upper hand wisely. Plus you don't even have the upper hand. And where the heck are we going?" She yelled again.

         "Why do you say I dont? and like I said we are going for a ride." I pulled open the front door and walked down our porch.

         "Because I have my reasons." Was all she saud so i just rolled my eyes and continued. I opened the front passenger seat and put Cam in it and I hopped in the drivers side.

       "Ready?" i asked her.

       "Ready as I'll ever be." She said buckling in.

         "Here we go!" And I floored it. This jeep was definitely modified because we were going from 0 to 60 in 2 seconds. We sped through the forest. We flew threw the air.

         "Wew!" Cam screamed from the fun. My hands were tight at the wheel when I heard a gun shot and Cams side front tire went flat. The speed we were going at made up flip and roll down the hill.

         The next thing I knew Cam was bloody and unconscious. I was nearly conscious myself. I saw a single man run towards us with his gun. I pulled out my gun and shot him in the head. Everything started to go blury, than it was all black.

Please comment and vote. I love reading all the positive feedback. Thanks for reading guys. I will update Sorry for the grammatical mistakes.


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