Chapter 3

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"Hey, Lance," Pidge called. I turned to look at her, raising my eyebrow expectantly. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry know....scaring you like that. It was only a joke. I didn't mean to hurt you."

I smiled warmly at her and scooped her up in a big hug. "Awww I couldn't stay mad at you. It's okay Pidgelt." 

I felt Pidge smirk against my shoulder. "Pidglet?"

"Yeah....'cause you're small like piglet."

"Are you comparing me to that wimpy piece of bacon from Winnie the Pooh?"

I gasped in mock shock. "How dare you?! Winnie the Pooh was my childhood! And Piglet was the best character!"

"Nuh uh," Pidge said, sticking her tongue out at me. "If any one is the best it's Eyor."

"WHAT!" I cried. "But he's so sad all the time!"

"That's why he so relatable."

"I....I don't know how to respond to that." I said in surprise.

"MOOD!" Hunk called from across the counter. We were in the kitchen helping Hunk bake cookies when Pidge suddenly stopped to apologize. I should've known Hunk was listening in on our conversation.

"See? Hunk get's it." Pidge said. I smirked and pressed a blop of purple looking cookie dough on her nose. "How dare you sir?"

I laughed. "God you're such a gremlin."

"I thought I was Piglet!" Pidge squealed, wiping her face on my sleeves, ignoring my protests. "Which one am I?" 

"Hmmmm, both." I say. Pidge laughed. 

"I can't be both," she argued. "Gremlins and Piglet are like polar opposites! Piglet is a total goody-two-shoes whiney baby and gremlins are fun!"

"Well then I guess you're Regina George," I said with finality. "Cause you've got big hair and an even bigger bitchy personality."

"You monster," Pidge said, chasing me around the kitchen holding a spatula covered in purple goop. "You take that back!"


"Woah...what's going on in here?" Shiro asked, raising his eyebrows at the group. I stopped when I saw him, giving Pidge the distraction she needed to smear goop all over my shirt. 

"Pidge is Regina George." I said. 

"We already knew that?" Shiro asked, walking into the room and popping a cookie off the tray and into his mouth. Pidge gasped and hit Shiro's hand.

"You're supposed to be on my side!" she cried indignantly. 

"No I'm on the side of the person who's correct." Shiro countered, ignoring the hits he received from Pidge. I laughed and held up my hand for a high-five. Shiro eyed it for a second. "I'm not high-fiving you, Lance." 

"I gotchu bro," Hunk said, walking over and slapping my hand with vigor.

"Yeah! Hunk isn't a 'lil whiney bitch 'cuz he gave me a high-five!" I said, pumping my fists in the air while antagonizing Shiro and Pidge. Shiro raised his eyebrow at me.

"Did you just call me a 'lil bitch?" Shiro asked. I shook my head.

"Nope, just Pidge."


"Anywho, that was fun but I gotta go now," I said before high-tailing it out of the kitchen. 


I stared up at the stars, pulling my jacket closer around myself. I always looked at the stars back home. Mama told me that the stars each have a story. I wonder if one of them tells how I get home. I just want to go home.

I just want to be free.

I just want to fly.

The thought made my wings twitch. I'd love to fly again. When's the last time I really let myself go and fly? I can't even remember. My back is just itching to let lose. I look up and see how high the ceiling is, I could fly in here. 

Everyone else is asleep, it's nearly one in castle time, and no one would be around to see. It's been so long!

I slip my jacket off and slowly unfurl my wings. I stretch them and it feels amazing. They've been curled against  my back for too long. The white feathers sparkle against the starlight. Bearing a huge grin, I bend down and shoot myself up.

The feeling of flying never gets old.

You're free. No one can reach you and you're totally safe. I feel the wind rustle through my feathers and I preen. I haven't felt so at home since I was back on Earth.

I fly for a good ten minutes before landing on the ground and letting out a huge laugh. That was incredible!


I spin around to see Pidge staring at me wide-eyed.

I'm not laughing anymore. 

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